I fought with everything I had to resist sleep, but the day caught up with me and weighed heavily on my eyelids. My senses were alert enough that I felt like if I shut my eyes for a few moments I would wake up if a monster approached. . . .

Or you'll sleep so heavily--as you usually do--that even a pissed off manticore can sneak up on you and kill you and Camden in your sleep.

That thought was pretty much the only reason why I was awake at the moment.

A faint roar sounded in the distance. My heart stopped. I'd recognise that call from anywhere.

Putting a whole new meaning to the word "alive," I shot to my feet and cupped my mouth. "Elesor!"

She called out again, closer. All I had was the sound of her voice to tell me where she was. It wasn't good enough. After sitting alone in the dark for hours, I needed to see her. I threw a small piece of Dragon Vain down on the ground. The area around me lit up--and so did the six eyes of a chimera ten feet away. The lion's head appeared to be drawn by the blood of the goblins and figured it was an easy snack. It hadn't known I was here until I'd stupidly called out to Elesor and lit the ground. The snake head was just in the middle of swallowing a goblin whole when the lion barred its teeth at me hungrily. Drool oozed out of its jowls and pooled at its feet.

Swallowing a thick lump in my throat, I peered down at my shortsword then back up to the three headed creature. If I was lucky, I could cut the snake's head off before it bit me and injected me with its venom. Maybe I could dodge the goat's horns, but avoid the lion and its paws as well? I was good, but no one was that good.

It stepped for me--Elesor dove out of the sky and tackled the chimera to the side. The massive beasts rolled out of the cone of light. I rushed after them, striking the ground once more with Dragon Vain. Elesor rose up high and bit a chunk out of the goat's throat. The snake threatened to sink its teeth into her leg; I ran at full speed and swung my blade down, cutting the head clean off. The chimera reared back and kicked out at me. I hit the ground hard, coughing on the air forced out of my lungs.

Hastily, I clamoured to my feet and tossed the red stone into the air. Elesor lunged to swallow it. Her throat glowed as it slid down her esophagus. Seconds later, a brilliant red flame spewed out of her mouth and engulfed the chimera. It cried out, running into the field to put it out. I didn't care where it went, as long as it was away from us.

Beyond relieved, I rushed to the glorious green dragon and wrapped my arms around her neck. "You are the bestest friend anyone could ask for!

She curled her tail around me, ducking her head in a possessive hug. Her chest rumbled with purrs.

Camden groaned by the boulder. Despite her protests, I jumped out of her grasp and ran to his side. He had flipped himself onto his back and was holding his head. I gently swatted his hand out of the way so he wouldn't mess with his wound. In an instant, his hand was on my wrist, eyes burrowing into me; they glowed gold like the goblins' had in the fire.

"Hey," I said softly, "it's me. You're safe, Cam. Elesor's here to take us home. We're going to get you the help you need."

His hand fell lax on his chest, eyes drifting shut. "Kali. . ." My name was only a hoarse whisper on his lips before he completely passed out again.

Elesor came to our side.  Her nostrils flared as she dipped her head down to sniff Cam. A soft rumble vibrated through her chest; it was a different pitch from her purr, higher and in her throat, like a croon. I'd heard her only make that noise once before--when she was with Marco. The dragon nudged his side, under his arm to wake him up.

"He's out cold, Elli.  He's sick; we have to get him back to Plum."

She nodded then lowered herself down so I could get into the--saddle? How did a saddle get on her? I had been fully prepared to ride home bareback. . . . Which meant someone had put it on her. If they knew she was coming to pick me up, they had to be on their way as well. There was no way my family would let me be out here by myself.

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