⁠♡ End ⁠♡

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Author's POV

*They all were thinking for a solution for the problem as to whom will y/n stay with when suddenly Mr.Park said*

Mr.Park : I have and idea
Mrs.Park : what is it honey??
Jin and Jisoo : what will you do appa??
Mr.Park : you both which is Minho and Chang wook can stay here in this mansion so that y/n can be with you both and also with them also hmmmm?? *he said while referring to all the stepsiblings*

*All of them were thinking deeply about the situation and about the consequences of this decision but nonetheless all of them agreed to it*

Mrs.Park : ok so you can go and pack your stuff and come to the mansion tomorrow!! Is it ok??
Chang wook : yes eomma we will be here by tomorrow

*They all went to their rooms and y/n also changed and tried to sleep but she wasn't able to sleep so she started roaming around the corridors of the house when she hears faint whisper coming from namjoon oppa's room*


*I decided to eavesdrop their conversation so I stood near his door and what I heard broke my heart into small pieces*

Taehyung : hyung will y/n forget us now?? after all we are just her stepbrothers while they are her biological brother's
Jungkook : will she really leave us hyung again in our dark lives?? Tell me hyung please will y/n stop lovin-.... *he couldn't continue as I barged into the room*

Author POV

Y/n : I will never leave you oppa's and I am never going to stop loving you all. You have also brought happiness in my lives oppa's. People always used to leave me but after I met you all I knew that you all are not going to leave me right oppa's??
Jin : of course princess.....*all the brothers we're astonished by their little sister's words and how positive she is. They all were literally gonna dance about how lucky they were to have a sister like y/n*
Y/n : you know oppa I have a very big heart in which you all have equal space so don't worry I am never ever going to leave you ok oppa??
Namjoon : yess princess
BTS mind : we are never letting you go away from us princess. You are going to stay with us forever. Love you princess

*Y/n went and hugged all of them and said*

Y/n : love you oppa's
BTS : love you too princess.... *then y/n went out of the room*

*After y/n left the room they were all in deep thoughts about how lucky they were to have someone who brought back happiness in their lives and that special person someone was their little princess y/n*

Jungkook : we are so lucky to have her she is an angel
Jin : yaa we will protect her at all cost and will keep her safe
Taehyung : yes she is our everything and we will not let any one hurt her ever
J-hope : yess you are right she is our sunshine and we will always protect her
Suga : we will not let her go away from us
Jimin : she will always stay with us from now on
Namjoon : she is our happiness and light

Meanwhile with Y/N

*I was going to my room after the discussion with my brother's when I suddenly heard crying and sound of breaking things from Lisa unnie's room so I decided to check up on her and to see what is going on her room. I went towards their room and I was going to knock on their door when suddenly I heard someone talking about me from inside so I decided to eavesdrop their conversation

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