ch. 11

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y/n's pov

Me and Gio have hung out every day since we met and i've always had a good time with him . Maybe he's the one. I know i've only know him for like a week now but, he's probably the best friend i've never had. I mean, Daniel was my best friend. But Gio is something else.

It was the weekend, and me and Gio had made plans to go to the beach. He knocked on my door and we walked across the street to the beach. We raced to the water and splashed each other. I started getting flash backs of me and Daniel doing the same time. I wasn't gonna let that ruin my time though.

Me and Gio had been in the water for so long and decided to go dry off. We walked over to our towels and he wrapped mine around me. After we got all dry, we passed the volleyball around. I spiked the ball, and it hit him right in the nuts. He grabs his junk and falls over. I ran over to him, dying of laughter. "are you okay?" I ask, still hysterically laughing. He shoots his thumb up in the air. I lend out my hand, he grabs it and I pull him up. We walk over to our towels and sit down. We watched the sun set.

Daniels Pov

It had been so long since me and y/n had talked. I haven't been happy since. I wanted to talk to her. I walk out of my apartment and knock on her door. The door swings open, i was expecting y/n, but it was her mom instead. "Hey, is y/n here?" i ask. "She's not, I'm pretty sure she went to the beach though! You can find her there." She says, holding the phone between her head and shoulder. "alright thanks." "No problem"

The door shuts behind me and I make my way over to the beach, hoping to find her there. I wasn't going to doubt her being there, I knew how much she loved watching the sunset on the beach. I step foot on the sand, and look around, blocking my eyes from the sun. Suddenly, I see her navy blue bikini and began walking towards her. She ran away, that's when I see Gio. He was chasing her around. He grabs her body and pulls her. They both end up falling on the ground, but y/n falls on top of him. I stood there, watching them. Then, they kissed. My heart broke. It's my fault this is happening. If i didn't ghost her, she wouldn't have found someone knew. A tear falls down my face. I turn around and make my way home.

y/n's pov

"we shouldn't have done that." I say awkwardly. "i'm sorry. It's my fault." Gio apologizes. "it's fine, it's just, i'm not fully over Daniel." "No i understand." We grab our stuff and he leaves. I make my way home. I see Daniel walk through the gate, hanging his head. I catch up with him. "hey, you don't have to talk to me. I know you don't like me right now. But what's wrong." i ask. He turns around. I see his eyes red, and tears falling down his face. "oh no." I say. I go in for a hug. He hangs his head over my shoulder. He was breaking down. He even made me shed a few tears.

I just let him cry on my shoulder. I felt so bad. I didn't know what was wrong though. I take his hand and we head up to my apartment. We rushed to my room and sat on the edge of my bed. "Talk to me Daniel. Tell me what's wrong." i say. "i'm sorry." he says, trembling. "for what? you did nothing wrong." I reassure him. "No, i ghosted you, i miss you so much. You found someone. And that someone isn't me. I never realized how much you meant to me until now. I haven't been happy at all lately. I lost you and i miss you more than ever." he cries even more, and hugs me.

I run by hands through his hair to calm him down. "What do you mean I found some one?" I ask. "Gio." he says. Oh no. "he's just a friend, there's nothing you have to worry about Daniel. Trust me." "No, you guys kissed. I saw it. I just wanted to talk to you but you kissed him. It's all my fault. Please forgive me." He pulls away from the hug and looks me in the eye.

Shit, he saw it all. "Daniel. That meant nothing, I told him we are just friends. It was an accident in his part." I say. "Don't lie. I see you guys in class." he wiped tears from his face. "Daniel i'm not lying. Please don't act like this right now." I say. "How about you go home and get some rest. We can talk about this tomorrow." I tell Daniel. He nods. I walk him out the door and kiss him on the forehead. "Good night Daniel." "Good night y/n." He closes the door and I walk back inside my apartment. I plop onto my bed and start stressing about everything.

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