ch. 10

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y/n's pov

I messed everything up. I couldn't help but cry all night. Daniel would never want to be friends again.

I got up out of bed, tired and angry at myself. It was raining, which made me feel a bit better. I loved rainy days, it comforts me for some reason.

I decided to finally get ready. I only put mascara on today. I was wearing an oversized sweatshirt, leggings and my converse. I then threw my hair up in a messy bun and put on my clear glasses. I was dreading school. I didn't eat breakfast, which probably wasn't smart since I had a test in math today, but i'll survive.

I walked out the door and made my way to the car. I hopped in and Freddy gave me a confused look. "Why aren't you out here waiting for Daniel?" he asks, concerned. "I don't think we're friends anymore." i mumble. "why?" "don't worry about it Freddy i'll tell you later i guess."

I watch as Daniel walks out the door and down the stairs. As he got closer to the car, we made eye contact. I looked away immediately and looked out the window, watching as the rain hit it. The boys got in the car, and we took off to school. I traced the raindrops on the window with my finger, i looked in the side mirror and saw Daniel in the reflection, looking at me.

We arrived at school and Daniel walked ahead of me. I decided I wanted to apologize. I catch up to him and say "Daniel can we please ta-" but all of a sudden he cuts me off. "Get off my case." he mumbles as I stop and he walks ahead. I wanted to cry, but i couldn't. I didn't want to ruin my mascara. I held back my tears and walked to my locker to grab the stuff I needed. After that, I walked to class.

I walked into my first period class and sat down. "everything alright?" a boy behind me asks. I look up and lock eyes with him. I've never seen him in my life until now. "oh uh, not really" i reply. "talk to me." he says. "well uh me i accidentally ruined a relationship for my friend and now we're fighting." i say. "oh darn, i'm sorry. Tell me about it though, me and my friend are fighting too" he laughs. "about what?" i ask. "he slept with my girl." he says. "oh i'm sorry." "No, it's fine. It's nice to meet you though. Can i get your name?" he asks. "y/n, y/n y/l/. and you are?" i introduce myself. "i'm Gio Velazquez" he says. "Nice to meet you." I smile and turn back around. The teacher handed out our tests and we began them. I couldn't concentrate because of the whole Daniel situation, and partially because I was so tired.

The second period bell rings. Me and Gio find out we had second hour together as well, so we walked to class with each other. As we walk in, I see that Daniel is sitting with someone else. I sigh. "Hey, is it cool if I sit with you?" I ask Gio. "Yeah! I was about to ask you that" We both laugh.

Daniels Pov

I was still pissed at y/n and I didn't want to sit next to her, so I sat by this random kid. I watch her walk in, but she isn't alone. She was with some boy. They started giggling and took a seat next to each other. Whatever I think to myself. The bell rings, signaling the start of second period.

I keep glancing over at y/n, every time I do, she's laughing with Gio. I couldn't help but feel jealous, but i'm still mad at her.

The day goes by, and lunch eventually came. I had nobody to sit with, so I sat at an empty table. I watch y/n and Gio approach me, but then they sat at the table in front of me. I picked at my food, then suddenly someone sits down beside me. I look up and see Ali. "hey I thought-" I say before she cuts me off. "Look i'm a bit mad, but we can still be friends." she says with a smile. "oh okay. I'm sorry." I apologize. "It's whatever." she says back. It became silent, and I couldn't help but stare at y/n. I honestly miss having her company. But she looks like she's having a lot more fun with that Gio kid. They're always laughing and touching each other.

School had finally ended and I met Freddy in the parking lot. We walked to his car and got in. "where's y/n?" I ask. "Oh she's gonna hangout with some boy, so she's going with him today." he replies. "oh." i mumble. "what's going on with you guys?" freddy asks. "nobody is telling me anything." I decide to tell him the whole story. "wait, you guys have been making out and stuff?" You guys never told me that?" freddy says shocked. "well it was supposed to be a secret. Let's just go home now."

y/n's pov

I walked with Gio to his car and we drove to his house. When we got there, I set my stuff down and we watched tv for like 30 minutes. "wanna do something fun?" he asks. i nod, with a smile on my face. "follow me" he says. We walk outside and run into the middle of the street, in the pouring rain. "can I have this dance" he lends out a hand. I look at his hand and back up at him. I smile and take his hand. We began dancing in the cold, pouring rain. It was actually so much fun. We stayed outside for a while, but it was time for me to get home. I ripped the hair tie out of my hair and let down my wet, wavy hair. "shit, i forgot to bring an extra shirt." i slap my forehead. "don't worry, i got you." Gio says as he runs to his bedroom. He ran back with a large t shirt and hand it to me. "thanks" i say as i take it. "i'm sorry." i say as I take my sweatshirt off revealing my bra and put his shirt on over. I already had my shorts on. He stood there in shock. I giggle.

We got into his car and he drove me home. "thanks for the fun time." i smile. "thank you for having fun with me." he says back. "Bye, I'll see you tomorrow" I say as I grab all of my stuff. I ran through the gate, in my bare feet. I look up and see Daniel. I look away.

Daniels Pov

I was looking over the balcony, when I see y/n getting out of a car and running through the gate. She was soaked, barefoot, and wearing a giant shirt that covered her shorts, if she had any on. Her hair was all wet. I never took my eyes off of her. She dropped her glasses and bent over to pick them up. As she stood back up, she flipped her back out of her face. She carefully ran up the stairs, doing so, she looked up at me and smiled. This girl would be the death of me.

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