- Yearbook -

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It was a rough day, the Washington's were leaving to a bigger house since now Alexander and Lafayette were now Teens they wanted to have their own room, they weren't kids anymore and wanted to have their own privacy. 

Which George was really sad, he missed when Alexander and Lafayette were small kids, both being adopted at the same time and in the same foster home. 

Alexander wasn't still used to call George 'dad', he was still insecure to call him to call him 'dad' or even 'Father', but he was okay with George, and Lafayette already calls George'Dad' or 'Father' because he felt safe around George already and saw him like a Father figure.

Alexander and Lafayette were helping with taking some boxes out.

"Don't forget to take the boxes from the library too, please" George said as he took the heaviest boxes out.

Lafayette and Alexander nodded, "Yez, Dad! We won't forget" Lafayette said with a smile. 

"I will miss this place, it was the first place I considered home" Alexander said as he helped his brother, "remember where we built together our first snowman in the back gard?" He asked with a smile remembering that beautiful memory. 

"Oh yez, you were scared of snow when you first saw snow!" Lafayette laughed softly, he will never forget how Alexander ran to Washington scare asking what was that white thing falling from the sky, he was simply adorable. 

"I wasn't even that scared!" Alexander protested.

"Yeah sure" 

"Come one, we still need to pack the rest of the books from the library" Alexander passed Lafayette an empty box, "catch!"

Alexander and Lafayette were packing the book when Lafayette found something, "Brother! I found something! It might catch your attention!" 

Alexander looked over to Lafayette, "what are you talking about—" 

Lafayette throw him a plastic spider making Alexander scream, he was terrified from spiders, he step back hitting himself accidentally on a shelf with some book, a few books fell down and Lafayette was laughing a lot, "Stop laughing! It hurts!" Alexander said rubbing his head. "Now help me clean this mess!" 

"Okay okay! It was a plastic spider so stop being a little kid!" Lafayette laughed softly again, "Let's clean before Washington comes back"

While picking old books, Alexander found something interesting "hey Laff! I found something interesting..." Alexander looked carefully to the book. Lafayette ran over to Alexander. "look, is this what I think it is?"

"It's a School Year Book, but could it be—" 

Alexander and Lafayette said in union "Washington's old year book!" They we're now curious of what they could find, "this pictures are to old, how they are clothing"

"It was the 80s Laff, of course they dress different as now!" Alexander said.

"The prom! I want to see if we can find Washington!" 

"Oh yes!" 

The began the search, let started to look at every picture the year book had, every little info the could find, "I can't find Washington!" Alexander whined softly, "I've look everywhere" 

"Not everywhere, we haven't read the name of the students! I'm sure we will find our dad!"

They started reading every single name until— "I found him!" Lafayette said excited and proud of finding Washington, "Wait— this isn't Washington! This guy has hair" 

Alexander looked quickly over to Lafayette to prove if it as true what he was saying, "what? Washington with hair? I though he didn't had when he was a teen"

The picture they were looking at was the prom one, where Washington and Martha were dancing, "They look so nervous!" 

Alexander started laughing, "He has braces?! What!"

"Wait— really!? Oh my God! He does have!"

Washington as a teen was a pretty shy one compared to what he was now, with glasses and braces. He had hair back then and looked different, his hair was like a short Afro style and with acne, he looked a really nerd. Alexander and Lafayette were laughing of how Washington looked.

Meanwhile Washington being downstairs putting the boxes in front of the garden, he wondering what was taking Alexander and Lafayette so long. "Martha, Honey" 

Martha looked at her husband, "yes darling?"

"Have you seen our children? I asked them to bring some boxes down like forever along! The truck will be here anytime soon"

"Maybe they are still packing? Why don't you take a look inside? They might be still there" 

"I'll go look for them" Washington made his way inside the house to look for his boys, he started calling their names until he walked upstairs and was about to call their names again until he heard some laughs coming from the library. Carefully made his way there and peek to see what they were doing.

"Oh my— look at this one!" Lafayette said to Alexander, now they were looking at other School Year books, "he still has his glasses!"

Then Washington knew it, "what are you two doing?" He called loudly enough for them to hear him. Lafayette and Alexander stood quickly up, Lafayette hiding the book behind his back. 

"Y-Yes sir-!" Alexander still had the habit he got from his uncle, that was standing up like if he was in the army.

"Alexander, I've told you that that isn't necessary" Washington said, "what are you to doing?"

Alexander and Lafayette looked at each other and keep silence.

"So? I'm waiting for an answer?" That's when Washington looked at the floor and saw the other year books, "You both found my old School year books!" 

Alexander and Lafayette nodded in union, "Yes, we—" 

"I bet you both couldn't find me till you read the names right?"

Lafayette couldn't take it anymore and started laughing, "I'm sorry! We did but— You looked so different back then!"

"Clean this mess, the truck is about to come and you haven't packed this books, come on so me and Martha can talked about our old school year books"

"Yes please!"

"But after packing, come on, I'll help you both on"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2022 ⏰

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