Tanzanian and Kenyan

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Its a joke I don't intend to hurt anyone or being biased....hope u enjoy..

A Tanzanian and a Kenyan goes into a bakery. The tanzanian steals three pastries and puts them in his pocket. He says to the kenyan, "See how slick I am? The owner didn't see anything."The kenyan says to the tanzanian, "That's typically dishonest of you tanzanian. I am going to show you an honest way to get the same result."He goes to the owner of the bakery and says, "Give me a pastry and I will show you a magic trick."Intrigued, the owner accepts and gives him a pastry. The Kenyan swallows it and asks for another one. The owner gives him another one. Then the kenyan asks for a third pastry and eats that, too. The owner is starting to wonder where the magic trick is and asks, "What did you do with the pastry?"The kenyan replies, "Look in the tanzanian's pocket!!

So there goes another chappy...dnt forget to comment vote and share...love u all my dearies

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