"come with me" jack blurted out, getting up. "what ?" she looked at jack dumbfounded. "yea cmon i could get your input" athena smiled a bit "okay"

the two left athenas apartment, making sure she locked the door she walked down the hall. the two got in athenas car and jack gave her directions.

the two walked into the studio building. "is urb gonna be here ?" she asked, looking up at him. "yea and drew too and the rest of the guys you havent met yet"

athena nodded and waited next to jack as he pressed the button to go up in the elevator. "theyre cool, youll like em" he broke the silence.

"if theyre anything like you i dont think i will" athena smiled at jack who deadpanned her. "cut that shit out theen" he said shaking his head with a small smile.

surprised by the new nickname she just giggled to herself as the two stepped into the elevator. "how many demos you got so far ?" she said looking at him as he just stared straight.

"just 3, they want it done early next year" the elevator dinged, indicating they arrived on the 10th floor.

walking down the hall, jack opened the door to see a group of guys. athena walked in after jack, making eye contact with urban.

she smiled and went over to give him a hug. he stood up and embraced her "hey thena" he said as he blew out smoke.

"guys this is my friend athena" they guys all said hey at once. "this is ace, lucci, shloob, nemo, quiso, woyne, you met druski and urb, and then my little brother clay" he said in one breath.

"nice to meet you guys" she waved. "alr lets get to it, thena you can sit over there next to urb" jack said, walking into the booth.

athena sat next to urban and he passed her his blunt. the two made small talk quietly while jack worked. after a while the two had finished the blunt and were just watching jack.

jack seemed to be annoyed in the booth, before taking off the headphones and walking out. "i dont like it" he sighed

"what dont you like ?" woyne said semi-annoyed, having the song replay for 30 minutes, jack trying to figure out what's wrong.

"it doesnt sound right man" jack rubbed his face, remembering athena was in the room. "thena you got anything ?" he looked over to the girl who was slumped in her chair with her arms crossed.

"stop running away from the beat" she said before getting up and walking towards him. "it sounds like your rapping against the beat, let it flow."

"cmon" she led him into the booth, grabbing another pair of headphones. "clay can you play the beat please" the boy nodded and pressed a button, the beat playing in the two's headphones.

"ight look instead of rapping as soon as the beat drops, hit it right before" athena said as jack nodded and put the headphones on.

right before the beat dropped, athena motioned for jack to go and he started rapping, finally getting the flow.

i got a shot, its not a pistol
number one spot, im too official
name ringin bells like school dismissal

jack finished the song, taking off his headphones and giving athena a hug. the two walked out of the booth to hear how it sounded.

woyne paused the song as it came to an end and gave athena a questioning look. "did i mention shes drakes producer ?" jack said, snatching the back of his neck.

a bunch of "oh's" filled the room as athena laughed. "alr lets finish this shit" jack said walking back into the booth as athena sat back down next to urban.

urbanwyatt posted on their story !

urbanwyatt posted on their story !

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tagged: 2forwoyne, athena.rayy

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