"Can you stop that nonsense!" Chim stood as he looked at tae "How can you believe in something that stupid tae? Didn't I tell you! You were sleeping next to me on the graduation day. We woke up together. I remember it. I remember clearly that you were next to me! And more over if you really did it with bogum, you could have at least felt the pain since it was your first time isn't it?"

Tae lowered his head "I don't know chim"

"Great! I didn't know you were this dumb"
There was a complete silence until

"Welc~ Minjae?" Jimin said as he walked toward him

"Hyung! How are you? And how's Taehyungiee hy......oh he's here" Minjae ran towards tae as he paused

"Hyung! Which basta...... who the hell did this to you!? To whom did you feed yourself too!?" He sat next to tae looking at the bruise

"Stop it minjae"

"Did bogum hyung do this ag..."

Tae took a deep breath "It's not him. It's jungkook"

"Oh! That's a relief" minjae signed

"By the way..... what happened to bogum hyung? Is he ok?"

Minjae shook his head "I can't tell you hyung"

"What!? Why can't you tell me!?"

"I promised someone to not tell you anything about that night"

Tae frown "Promised? To whom?"

"I'm sorry I can't tell you" Minjae smiled

"Minjae.......why can't you tell me uh? Am I not your fav?"

"You are my fav hyung! That's why I can't tell you! Anyways...I gotta go. See you hyung bye!" He smiled "bye jiminiee hyung!" With that he left the cafe

"Did he come here just to enquire about you?"
Chim said as he looked at tae

Tae shrugged as he placed his head on the table



"I don't know why......but.....I'm craving for mint chocolate"

"Mint chocolate!?" Chim crossed his arms "I thought you don't like it! You use to say it tastes like toothpaste"

"It does taste like toothpaste but....I don't know....I need one!" He looked at chim pouting "NOW!!!"

"Alright I'll get you one. Why do you have to shout!?"


Time skip (Jungkook's office)

"Sir what are we suppose to do? Things are out of hands"

Jungkook was in a meeting with his employees

"Why didn't anyone inform me about this?" Jungkook threw the file on the table "Do you guys really work for me!? Uh?"

"Even we weren't aware of it sir. Everything happened so fast that we couldn't...."

This made everyone flinch

That was the first time to see their CEO get this angry. Jungkook would always try to solve the issues calmly. He would always encourage his employees that they can do it even if they were at the rock bottom. But today was totally different!

"Kook....you need to calm down" hosoek placed his hands on jungkook's trying to calm him

He took a deep breath "you all can leave" he said softly as everyone bowed and left the room

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