Chapter 11

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A paw prods Sunpelt awake.

"Get up sleepyheads" Brightpuddle meows.

Sunpelt yawns and stretches thinking he's in the warrior's den.

"It's a miracle neither of you has a cold, after sleeping in the snow all night" meows Brightpuddle.

This makes Sunpelt remember what he and Foxpaw did last night.

Foxpaw steps up toward Brightpuddle

"Brightpuddle I need to talk to you" meows Foxpaw nervously.

"You can talk to me right now, Foxpaw" Brightpuddle meows.

Foxpaw looks at Sunpelt nervously.

"I heard, it's okay" meows Sunpelt licking Foxpaw on the ear.

"Ok then" meows Foxpaw "Yellowfang, the old medicine cat, told me that I have an illness" meows Foxpaw moving closer to Sunpelt like last night.

"Interesting" meows Brightpuddle "And, Sunpelt how did you hear this?" Brightpuddle meows curiosity in her eyes.

"Err, I saw Yellowfang talking to Foxpaw and I started to run towards them, but Jayfeather stopped me and Yellowfang accidentally revealed Foxpaws illness to me" Sunpelt almost whispers.

"Ok" Brightpuddle meows already deep in thought.

"You won't tell any cat you found us out here, together right?" Foxpaw asks.

"Two young toms in love?" meows a mrrow of laughter from Brightpuddle.

"Err, yes" Sunpelt meows moving into a protective stance in front of Foxpaw.

"Better explain that to Riverstar then he's not too far behind me" meows Brightpuddle.

"If he even threatens Sunpelt..." Foxpaw just shakes his head.

Sunpelt puts his head against Foxpaws and licks his cheek.

They both lift their heads to look at Brightpuddle after a moment.

"He won't, right?" Sunpelt asks nervously.

"He shouldn't" meows Brightpuddle looking out into the forest.

"Let's head back to camp, everybody must be looking around for you" Brightpuddle meows before turning around and making a path in the snow.

"Can I lean on your shoulder?" Foxpaw asks Sunpelt.

"Always" meows Sunpelt.

Foxpaw leans on Sunpelt as they walk in unison back to camp.

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