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As we walked and walked, we got further away from the tower. It was getting dark, but we could still see the sun setting. The moon was forming, it was very bright. We were getting tired, and our paws hurt. We couldn't walk another mile. We saw ruins, everywhere, Nothing but ruins. No fresh green grass, trees, or flowers, anywhere. 'What had happened?' I asked myself. I just held Puro's paw, and we walked together, helping each other catch up. We had a few snacks, just a few. All remaining evidence of houses or apartments is ruined. Puro was excited to see the moon; he's read about it in that big encyclopedia back in the library, and he was interested in seeing the stars too. But it's kind of hard to see the stars with the naked eye.... Puro had told me about everything he desired to see and do. And I wanted to show him a better life. A life he could love. I have a very vague memory about what kind of life I lived, I don't remember my family or the home I once had.

 I can't remember how old I was or what I had done previously before the abduction. Maybe I can retrace the steps? from what? I questioned my noggin. I don't know how to find a way home. Maybe I got evicted? No. There was not even enough time to throw me out during the sudden rise of the virus. I tried to remember but it was useless. Maybe I ought to just try and find a new life with Puro. I was having second thoughts about that too though.... What if that doctor poisoned me? I tried to imagine other scenarios in my head. What if Puro and I left while I was still human? I was sure I was infected with the virus, I was pale white. That's... not normal. Would I have died? that would've been the end of me. 

What if puro was not as he seemed to be? Would I have died? Would my memory suddenly be erased from my past memories? Would it be mixed with his and mine? Would I know his memories? I thought, thought hard. Thinking about how I'd take the next step. I felt uneasy, and when I finally stopped spacing out, I noticed my paw was empty, with no sign of the warmth of my best friend. Puro was sitting on the sandy dirt, He looked tired. I smiled, and thought about talking, yet.... nothing came out. "Hi, human. Are you okay? I tried talking to you but you wouldn't respond..." I felt a tingle of guilt shock me. "I'm so sorry puro, yes I'm okay, I think?" I walked near him, I didn't know what to say, maybe make him... reconsider? "Puro, I've been thinking, maybe.... we should've stayed at the tower...." I resisted getting out. I didn't know what he'd say. Maybe he would disagree.

 "Human....? What? do you want to go back? You survived, your life in danger many times, and you want to go back? Are... are you serious....?" Puro scowled, he looked.... disappointed. "Please human, I want to see everything! Please, let's stay here, I'll take good care of humans! I've raised lots of people you should know.... I...I won't let anything happen to you. I love you human. "Oh... P-Puro... I..." I felt bad now. I know I couldn't take that back.... "Human... all we've... done... was it..." Puro wept. 

I could see the tears forming, they fell down his mask, black latex... I made Puro cry... "Puro... I was just... there is nothing... only ruins.... I'm are we going to find a way...?" "Human... I don't know... but we will...! if you just.... Come with me.... Puro will help you...!" "But..." "I will find a way.... We are n-not going back to that tower...." Puro sniffled; he stopped after a word a lot. "...I trust you, Puro. Okay. I...I'll stay right by you." I felt restored, I felt no panic. Seeing him happy makes me feel better. It makes me feel all right. "Thank you, human. I promise I will protect you, ok? We'll find a way. Together." Puro smiles once more. Even after that, he's back to his joyful self. I blushed. 

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