Chapter 8

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2:03 AM

That trivia was one for the books.
Lol. This night, too. Thank you, Lisa! -Jennie

A smile cracked on Lisa's lips upon
reading the first ever text message
she received from jennie. She revived up her car back to ignition and looked up through her windshield and on the tall building of the condominium where Jennie lived. She wondered if at
that exact same moment, Jennie was smiling too. She swiped her phone's lockscreen open and typed:

2:05 AM

Thank you. It was a lovely night.
But you were lovelier. - Lisa

She deftly maneuvered her car out of the parking lot and started driving homewards, her mind instantly replaying everything from the breathless moment she first laid eyes on her that evening, the red dress making her look..indescribable. Lisa can never put that kind of beauty into words. She can only remember feeling the intense desire to kiss her
immediately. To talk to her. To get to know her. To tell her how beautiful she is. To maybe kiss her again.

At a red light, Lisa brought the car to a halt and grinned at the memory of Jennie sitting across from her at the café, cutely defending that her dress
is scarlet.

"This is why I like colors, you know? She had told her while looking her in the eye.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because colors are very much like
me... they're complicated."

Staring at the traffic light now, the
urge to text her and ask her what
shade of red she thinks the stop signal is overwhelmed her heart. She looked at her.reflection from the rear view mirror.

I am happy.

She rolled the windows down and
felt the delicious rush of the breeze
graze her skin as she drove, feeling
every part of her come undone.
The extraordinary feeling of remembering you are alive.

When she finally reached home, she stripped down into her PJ's and propped her laptop open to catch up with all the work-related emails she missed. All the way until past five am, she wrote back to colleagues and managed to call Jisoo to update her that she has already arrived and will resume work next week. She also sent her mom a quick text to tell her
she's already home. When she finally felt exhaustion sink in, she opened Facebook to browse Jennie's profile page, which has become some sort of a before-sleeping routine in the last
couple of days.

She has just posted a photo three
minutes ago: a picture of the bluish
purple sunrise that she presumed she took from the window view of her condo unit. She hit on the like button on impulse. A minute later, she sent her a text message.

5:24 AM

That sunrise was beautiful. Good
morning. Do you usually wake up this early?

5:26 AM

Hahaha I haven't slept yet

5:27 AM

How come?

5:29 AM

Idk I made the mistake of googling the UN World Happiness Index and now I'm too engrossed trying to memorize it.

5:30 AM


5:31 AM

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