Chapter 6

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"Sorry, that must've been
traumatizing," Jennie told Lisa the
moment they managed to step out of the hotel banquet hall and out of her friends' earshot.

"It was all my fault. Sorry for
putting you on the spot like that, " Lisa apologized.

I'm not sorry I kissed you, though. My lips missed your lips so much.

It was almost ten pm and the
after-wedding party was going to end in the next half hour but the two of them felt like the night was too young to let go of. Like things were just getting started and they were bracing themselves for whatever will happen next.

"Would you like to go out for a cup
of coffee?" Lisa asked her, suddenly
nervous that she might turn her
invitation down. It was all too
random, too unexpected after all.
She thought that she had probably
overstepped her boundaries and she was just being polite earlier.

"..It's okay, maybe you're tired already. You must've had a long day. I would understand it"

"-I would totally kill for frappucino
right now. I'm actually craving for it a while ago. Thank you for asking me."

Lisa's face broke into a smile that lit
up her eyes. She felt flattered at the
happiness her mere yes have caused in her.

"I'll just go get changed. I look silly in this dress," She laughed, gesturing at her red gown.

"Why do you think that? You don't
have an idea how beautiful you are in that dress." Lisa earnestly told her, her voice low but firm.

I couldn't take my eyes off you all

Jennie felt her heartbeats starting to go loud.

"Are you flirting with me?"

"I was just stating a fact. You really are beautiful."

She rolled her eyes but grinned at

Lisa remembered how charmed she was while going through her pictures on her facebook profile.

You're beautiful, in all kinds of clothes.
But you're probably more beautiful
without it, she can't help but think. She was too attractive and she struggled at keeping her thoughts clean whenever she looked at her.

Can I kiss you again? I want to kiss
you again, she secretly confessed as she stared at her mouth.

Lisa took a few steps back and openly stared at her from her head to her foot, admiring every body part without a hint of embarrassment.

I came from a thousand miles just to see your face. It's worth it.

Jennie felt naked under her scorching gaze.

"Are you flirting with me now?" she

"Yes. Is it working?" she smirked.

"Bribe me with a cup of coffee and I'll let you know."

They started walking out of the hotel in a leisurely pace, their feet dragging time to slow down. The nearby streets of late-night Seoul were half-empty and soaking wet. Apparently, it just finished raining an hour ago. The air was colder than expected and Lisa took
off her black coat and draped it across Jennie's shoulders. She thanked her, grateful not only for the warmth but.most of all for the delicious return of the intoxicating scent that she didn't even knew she terribly missed.

"Let me guess, black's your favorite
color, right?" she asked her,
noticing that she was wearing an
all-black ensemble and even a black wristwatch.

"Let me guess, red is not your favorite color, right?" Lisa retorted, eliciting a smile from her. Jennie briefly wondered how Lisa understood that she despised the overkill of the wedding's color motif.

"Red's a beautiful color but it's just not my favorite."

"Why?, what's so bad about the color red?"

"I have nothing against it! Like I
said, it's a beautiful color. Really
And in fact, I like how it has so
many different kinds of shades. For
example, the wedding motif you saw back there? We call it cherry-red."

"Is there something like apple-red and strawberry-red and tomato-red?"

"Oh god, if you only knew how a
thousand of colors seem to exist when brides choose the motif. The selection goes on for ages," she sighed, a bit shocked at how comfortable she was in confiding her work woes with Lisa.

"Did you know that men cannot see the different shades of red?" Lisa asked her.

"Huh? Really?"

"No kidding. There's a scientific
research in Arizona that discovered
that there's specific gene that allows us to see and interpret the color red. Women have two X chromosomes and guys only have one, and the "red-seeing" gene was only present on the x chromosome so usually only females can fully understand the different degrees of red," Lisa excitedly told her.

Jennie suddenly stopped walking
and when Lisa noticed, she turned to look at her. Their eyes met and they just stood there in silence for a few seconds.

"Im sorry for the nerd-talk, did I bore you?" she laughed nervously, rubbing her nape.

"No, god, no. Is that information
legit?" she smiled as she bit her lip,
assuring her she's got nothing to worry about.

"Yeah. I happen to be a big dork
who breathes and inhales trivias
and statistics and useless crap," Lisa answered, secretly breathing a sigh of relief.

"Because.if that's how you flirt....It's"


Jennie shyly wrapped Lisa's coat tighter around her arms, burying her face as much as possible.

"'s slightly... effective. as hell."

And then she marched away,
embarrassed, trying not to meet her
gaze. Lisa brisk-walked to catch up
with her and they continued strolling wordlessly until they reached a café.

When they stepped inside, they both have to suppress a giggle because the couches were the exact same shade as Jennie's gown.

"For the record, this dress is scarlet,
okay? It's not any-type-of-fruit red or crimson or maroon or anything. It's SCARLET" She jokingly huffed at her tongue-in-cheek grin.

In that moment, Lisa didn't care,
because the only thing that mattered to her was her favorite shade of red so far: the fierce blush glowing on Jennie's adorable cheeks.

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