Shortly after lunch I get bored and wander down to the TV room. I take the computer with me and curl up on the couch before calling Pierce again. 

"You alright, sweetheart?" he answers right away, worry in his voice. 

"Yeah. I just miss you." I admit. He chuckles and smiles at me, setting his phone down so his hands are free but he can still see me. 

"What are you up to?" he asks. 

"I was going to watch a movie or something. I'm kind of bored." I admit. 

"We'll have to plan a trip. Take you somewhere new." he offers, making my heart patter at his suggestion. 

"I would like that." I admit. He grins again and starts tinkering with something. "What are you doing?" I ask. 

"Trying to replace a spring in here. It's not turning right." he explains. I nod and flip through movie options, just having him on the screen next to me somehow making me feel a little more at ease. 

"Ah, fuck." he murmurs as parts go flying all over the place. I giggle and he looks over at me, smiling slightly before returning back to his work. "You enjoying my frustration?" he asks. 

"Only a little." I tease. The door opens and someone says something to him. He nods and looks back at me. 

"That was my brother. He hasn't stopped bothering me since I got here. Just him alone has reminded me why I work from home." he murmurs bitterly making me chuckle. I click play on a movie and the opening credits start to play. 

"Would it be weird to have you here while I watch a movie?" I ask. His eyes flash up to mine and his face softens as he watches me for a moment. 

"Even if it is, who cares?" he asks. I smile at him and nod, turning the screen slightly so he can see both me and the TV. 

I settle down into the blankets and pillows, half watching my movie and half watching Pierce. He's entirely focused on his task, other than the infrequent glances he shoots towards me to see if I'm still here. I watch as his strong hands work, the muscles in his forearms flexing below the cuff of his rolled up dress shirt. His brow furrows in concentration, his teeth biting into his lower lip. I imagine him doing the same thing as he focuses on me instead of the equipment in his hands.

"Must not be a good movie. You seem more interested in what I'm doing." he jokes, pulling me from my erotic fantasy. 

"I've seen it before. When will you be home?" I ask. He chuckles slightly at the question and puts his tools down. 

"I'm just about done. Then I have to pick up dinner and it's about an hour drive." he says. 

"You can skip dinner. I can cook." I offer, but he shakes his head.

"The only reason I agreed to come and do this was so I could pick up one of your favorites. Don't worry love, I'll hurry. Unless you'd like me to be gone longer?" he questions and I shake my head. 

"No. I don't like it here without you. It's too quiet." I admit. He nods and stands. 

"Someone else can finish this it's almost done. I'm on my way home." he says, my heart stuttering in my chest at how quickly he threw work away to come back to me. I almost consider telling him not to worry about it. That I'm fine by myself but the truth is, I feel like some of me is missing. Like there's a hole in my chest and I need him back to feel complete. 

"Drive safe." I say, grinning as he throws on a coat and puts his keys in his pockets. 

"I'll see you soon." he says warmly before he disconnects the call. 

I get up and take another shower, wanting to feel fresh for some reason. I even put a little more effort into what I'm wearing, opting for a cute dress with a sweater over top. I haven't worn anything other than comfy clothes since I got here and I can't help but wonder if he'll notice the difference. 

I go to the kitchen and find ingredients to make some quick and easy cookies for dessert after we eat whatever he's bringing home from dinner. I pull the last sheet out of the oven and set it to cool on the countertop just as I hear the door open and close. I don't know why I'm nervous to see him but my heart starts to pound as I round the island to greet him. 

Pierce walks into the kitchen with a large bag in his hand. When he sees me he stops, looking me up and down before he walks towards me slowly. 

"You look beautiful, sweetheart." he murmurs, setting the bag on the counter before reaching for me. 

I laugh as his arms encircle my waist and he pulls me gently into a hug. He holds me for a long moment, taking a couple of deep breaths. 

"Thank you." I practically whisper, tucking myself into his chest and letting him hold onto me as long as he wants. He presses a firm kiss to my head before setting me loose.

"Well, I won't be doing that again." he says firmly. 

"Doing what?" I ask, watching as he starts pulling things from the bag. A heavenly smell starts to waft through the room and I barely pay attention to his response. 

"Going into the office. That place is full of... people." he says with a disgusted tone that has me cackling out a laugh. 

"What did you bring?" I ask. 

"Tacos. Carne asada. From the little place on the corner that you like." he says. My stomach flops as he sets some in front of me. A few weeks ago it would have freaked me out that a man I barely know is familiar with all of my favorite restaurants, clothing brands and shampoo, but now I just find it endearing. 

No one has ever cared about me enough to learn all of these things. Except my mom, maybe, but with Pierce it's different. 

"This is amazing. Oh my god they're still hot!" I say excitedly as I unwrap the first bundle.

"I had one of the interns run out and get this special bag that retains heat. I'm hoping the cook there will teach me how to make them, but I may have to learn Spanish." Pierce says, looking thoughtful as he unwraps his own food. 

"You'd learn another language just so you can make me the food I like?" I ask incredulously. He looks up at me, his brow furrowed in confusion. 

"I'd do anything to make you happy. I feel like I've explained this before." he teases. "Plus, I don't think I'd have to learn the entire language. Just a small bit." he says, grinning widely at me before taking his first bite.

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