Levi scuffed the toe of his boot along the floor, as if he was feeling around for something.

"Filthy," he muttered under his breath as he stepped gingerly across the floorboards.

"I hope you don't plan to make us clean it," Mikasa remarked.

"I'll make you clean it, along with your filthy mouth, the moment we get back from this mission." Levi continued to kick at the floor until his toe finally hit something that sounded like metal. He crouched down and pulled a handkerchief out from his pocket.

Slipping the piece of cloth around the iron ring that he'd found on the floor, he gave it a strong yank. The wood creaked loudly as he pulled the trap door open, revealing a shallow, open-topped cage. It was hard to see in the darkness, but some of the moonlight that found its way into the cabin reflected off its dull, tarnished surface.

"Alright then. You get in." Levi nodded at Mikasa without giving any further explanation.

Mikasa led her horse into the cage. The animal was fearful at first, planting its hooves firmly into the ground when asked to step onto the somewhat unstable metal, but it finally stepped inside after some gentle coaxing from its rider.

Levi walked over to one of the walls and felt for a lever. Once he found it, he glanced over one more time to make sure that both Mikasa and the horse were safely within the cage before activating the elevator. The cage jerked suddenly, and then started to slowly descend down the shaft.

"It's a lift!" Eren gasped.

"Aren't you a genius?" Levi said sarcastically.

It took a surprisingly long time - almost twenty minutes - before the cage re-emerged, this time without Mikasa, or her horse.

"You turn, Eren."

"But how will you-"

"Just go."

Eren whispered soothing words into his horse's ear and gently stroke its mane, calming it enough for him to lead it into the cage. Once they were inside, Levi pulled on the lever again, sending them down into the depths.

The shaft ran deep into the earth. Deeper underground than Eren had ever been. His horse started to become skittish as they made their descent, and he couldn't blame him. He felt nervous himself. All around him was nothing but damp soil. When the cage finally ground to a halt, Eren could barely make out Mikasa and her horse standing in front of him.

"Are you alright?" she asked immediately.

"I'm fine," Eren replied.

He stepped out with his mount, careful not to trip on the uneven dirt floor. Once they were out of the lift, Mikasa pulled a lever that jutted out of the wall right next to her. The sound of metal clanging and chains ringing echoed in the enclosed space as the cage made its slow ascent upwards.

"Where is this place?" Eren asked, looking around.

There was little ambient light in the room, with the moonlight shining through the shaft offering what little illumination that they could get. Once the cage ascended high enough, it blotted out even that, leaving them in pitch blackness.

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