Chapter 21: Feelings.

Start from the beginning

From: Antoni Padildo:)

Haha, very funny. Still kinda cute though, but c'mon. Try me.

I decided doing this in my kitchen probably wasn't the best idea, heading to my bathroom instead. I stripped my shirt off, feeling the nerves already setting in. I tried to angle the shot in the mirror correctly, pulling my sweatpants down slightly so the waistband of my boxers was exposed. I took the photo, wincing as I looked at my messy hair and pale skin. I live in California for God's sake! Why am I not tan?

I despised the photo, but decided to send it anyway. Even if this is dragging me so far out of my usual zone.

I left the bathroom, heading to my bedroom instead. I splayed out on my back on the bed, waiting in nerve-wracking silence for his response.

From: Antoni Padildo:)


To: Antoni Padildo:)

Okay, you asked me what I'm doing. So what are you doing right now?

From: Antoni Padildo:)

You probably don't want to know.

It took me a second, but it clicked. Oh. He seemed to be getting really hot and heavy about this. Why do I feel so casual about this? Like, a few minutes ago I was cleaning my kitchen. And apparently he is doing unspeakable things.

To: Antoni Padildo:)


From: Antoni Padildo:)

Ian, you're so hot babe.

What? Is he talking to the right Ian still?

To: Antoni Padildo:)

Anthony, I'm really tired. I think I might go to sleep, I have work in the morning.

From: Antoni Padildo:)


Too bad I've never been one for listening, because I shut my phone off. I set my alarm for the morning on my clock and settled in under the comforters, not even thinking about how Anthony was going to be pissed about that.


I arrived at work the next morning, phone in hand as I scrolled through my newly received texts from last night.



I hate you.

Not really, but seriously? What am I supposed to do?!


I covered my mouth with my hand to stifle my laughter that was trying to escape. He had been mad, but I'm sure he'll get over it.

I realized after work when I came outside to see Anthony shooting me a dirty look from where he leaned against his car that he was trying to stay mad as long as he could.

I couldn't hold back the smile that appeared on my face upon seeing Anthony attempting to remain mad. "Hey Anthony, funny seeing you here," I said, voice light.

He didn't seem amused, sticking his tongue out in a childish way. "You suck you know that?"

"And you swallow."

Anthony's jaw dropped, clearly surprised by my dirty comment. Who ever said I'm innocent in my head? I just tend not to say the things I'm thinking out loud. "Ian, don't make inappropriate comments, young man."

I snorted a laugh out. "Anthony I'm only two months younger than you! Not that much younger."

He yet again stuck out his tongue, making me roll my eyes at his antics. He crossed his arms, pouting at me. I didn't know what to do, so I took a few steps closer to him; until we were practically nose to nose. He smirked, I smiled. He closed the gap between our lips, a ghost of a kiss.

I put my hands on either side of his waist, drawing him closer, his immediately weaving themselves into my hair as we continued to press light kisses to one another's lips. I pulled away for an instant to whisper out "So I see the hair fetish is still goin' strong."

"You know it," he murmured before drawing our lips back together.

The kisses got less soft, more hot. Our bodies were pressed against each other and it completely strayed from my mind that we were in a public parking lot as Anthony turned me around and pressed my back against his car. My lips trailed down his neck to his collarbones, pressing light kisses as I went.

I was brought back to the real world when a clearing of the throat interrupted us. He turned around, releasing me, and I peered over his shoulder to catch sight of Melanie holding my phone. "Hey Ian, uh, you forgot your phone inside."

I walked around Anthony and quickly grabbed my phone from her outstretched hand. "Thanks Mel, you're the best."

She just nodded before she turned and dashed back inside the building. It only took until the door shut behind her for Anthony to start laughing his ass off. "It's not funny! Now she'll never let me live it down, you douche."

He continued laughing even after my protest. He stopped laughing his beautiful and infectious laugh not long after, shooting me a teasing grin. He was so effervescent, his smile could kindle a bright light in the darkest of nights. Okay, now I'm getting cheesy. But I did relish in the fact that I was able to make someone as special as him feel happy even for a short amount of time.

I didn't quite know what the feeling was when I watched him smile at me and offer me a ride home, his previous frustration forgotten in a few short moments. I did know that I liked the feelings, like I was being cared for and that he wasn't just after me to prove something. I liked the feeling that he..I just liked the feeling. I don't think feelings can be explained or defined, because is it really possible to tell someone what one feels? I tried so hard once upon a time to forget about him. But although one can master what they do, they can't control what they think and feel. But, God, am I glad I did not forget about Anthony Padilla.

I would have missed out on getting to know who he really was, I wouldn't have met some of my closest friends. And all because he decided to show up at the coffee shop one day. I don't believe in fate particularly but I do believe when things are meant to happen they usually end up happening.

I don't know what Anthony and I are, or what we're going to be. But I am eternally grateful I did not ignore him, that I got to know, and continue to know, the real Anthony.

And right now, I really love these feelings.

Another A.N.: THIS CHAPTER SUCKS OMG. I WAS TRYING TO MAKE IT GOOD, BUT I MADE IT WORSE. #MYLIFE. And this chapter is dedicated to sammie1101. You seem so kind/sweet and you are clearly a dedicated Smosh fan! Plus you said you loved this story, and the fact that anyone likes this story really surprises me so thank you for making me feel like people might actually not just be annoyed by this story!<3

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