The Fight

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The fight that could've possibly ended their relationship set a few weeks after Stoicks death

Astrid's POV:

Hiccups been shutting himself out the past few weeks. Burying himself in work.

He's only home a few hours everyday and I'm already in bed by then. Some days I don't even see him.

I get that he needs to grieve I mean he only had his dad growing up and it's gonna be hard getting used to living without him.

I just wish he would talk to me. I decided to head down to his work in hopes that maybe we could have a meal together.

"Hey babe..." I said hesitantly. He dropped his pencil as I startled him. "Sorry! I just made your favorite dinner and figured you might not want it cold, and now I'm rambling." I said apologetically.

He didn't respond so I set the plate next to his work station where he would normally put his lunch.

I sat down in the chair farthest away from him. "Tonight I was thinking I could wait up for you and maybe we could... talk?" I suggested hopefully.

"Talk? There's nothing to talk about. My dads dead." Was all he managed.

"Hiccup I get it-" I started, but he cut me off. "NO! YOU DON'T GET IT! SO STOP TRYING TO BE SKEM HERO THAT THINKS SHE CAN FIX ME!" He screamed making me jump.

He'd never taken that tone with me before. "Hiccup I-I-" I stuttered. He got up so abruptly swiping the plate off the table turning the plate into meaningless shards of glass strewn helplessly across the ground.

That's what our relationship felt like these days. I was on the verge of tears by now. He kept screaming and ranting and I started to cry.

I cried my eyes out.

I cried my eyes out for this boy who was screamning at me all because I wanted to try and help him.

When he finally noticed me crying his voice softened. "Astrid. I-I-I'm so s-sorry. I d-do-don't k-know what came over me." He said in a shaky voice.

I just turned away from him. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him sit down and put his head in his hands.

I stopped crying and noticed his silent sobbing. I got up and walked towards him.

I hugged him from behind him. This was the first time I'd hugged him for a week. "It's just been so hard." He sobbed.

"I know baby. I know." I muttered. "But burying yourself into work isn't the solution and neither is burying your grief. You have to talk to me. We'll get through this together. Ok babe?" I asked him without loosening my tight grip on him.

"Yeah ok. Can we go home?" He asked me gently. "Of course we can. Y'know if you miss your family so much why don't we start a little one of our own?" I suggested. "Game on." He said picking me up and carrying me back to our home.

Another short chapter. Sorry I'm not so sure of what to write. I'm in a bit of a slump right now. More to come as soon as I figure out what to write.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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