Pillars Reunite

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The palace at Planet Specter was bustling with soldiers and World Jumpers that were either training or moving weapons. It was a busy day for everyone, especially after something new and big came up. It was only natural that everyone became active since this was yet again, another emergency.

At the palace's portal area, World Jumpers jumped in and out of portals, some with people from other dimensions. From one portal, a girl with blue hair tied in a ponytail lept followed by a boy with brown hair and green eyes dressed in a white shirt, pants, and red suspenders. It was Max, one of the World Jumpers, and with her was Jesse, one of the Multiverse Protection Service's pillars. Not long after the emergency announcement was made in Planet Specter, Max went to Jesse's world for his help and the latter agreed to come back to her dimension.

"Thanks for coming, Jesse," Max said, watching the brunette catch his breath with his hands on his knees. "You have no idea how much this means to everyone here in Planet Specter."

"Of course," Jesse replied as soon as he caught his breath. "As the leader of the MPS Pillars, it's anything for the multiverse, whatever it's going through right now."

"Speaking of the multiverse," Max suddenly put on a serious face. "Something recently came up and it's big."

In response, Jesse raised an eyebrow at her and asked, "How bad is it?"

"Really bad," she answered. "Now, come on. The other Pillars are waiting for you."

With a nod, Jesse followed Max into the palace to meet with the other Pillars. On the way, the brunette was greeted by soldiers and servants and he couldn't help but wave back every time. Jesse even looked around at the hallways, for they were just as he remembered them: blue and covered in portraits of warriors fighting across the galaxy. After what felt like a long walk, he and Max finally made it to the MPS Pillars' meeting room. Over there, he was surprised to only find three of the other fifteen Pillars: Sonic the Hedgehog, Frisk Dreemurr, and Morgana. The three were sitting at their round table talking to a hologram of three of the other Pillars: Rainbow Dash, Sash Lilac, and Kai.

"So, how are things at the dimension you guys are at?" Morgana asked. "To clarify, what's it like over there?"

"Oh, it's super chaotic!" Rainbow exclaimed, holding up a hoof. "Almost everyone here in this city has cybernetic enhancements and there are crimes everywhere!"

"Crimes? What sort of crimes?" Sonic asked with his hands behind his head and his feet on the table.

"Let's just say they are very violent crimes. We'd rather not go into detail," Lilac answered with a wince.

"And what bothers me the most here is the slang these people use!" Kai said. "Nova? Preem? Choom? I don't even know what they're saying!"

"Hey, Kai?" Frisk asked, getting the ninja's attention. "I don't mean to change the subject, but how are the volunteers from your dimension?"

"You mean Jay and Zane? Oh, those two are just peachy," he said sarcastically. "Some street gang showed up not too long ago and tried to take Zane from us because they wanted to sell his parts!"

"But some people here aren't so bad," Lilac added with a smile. "We were saved by two people and now, we're currently taking shelter at their apartment."

"Yeah, but Jay here is just as bothered at the slang here as I am." Suddenly, a loud clanging sound was heard and Kai sighed before saying, "Excuse me. Jay, you and David better not be racing around the apartment again!" With that, his hologram was gone.

Before the conversation could continue, Sonic, Frisk, and Morgana turned to find Jesse and Max at the door. When the two waved, the three looked back at the two remaining holograms as Morgana said, "We'll talk more with you guys later. Our dear leader has finally arrived."

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