Chapter 29: So what happens now?

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With nothing to worry about, the two women settled into a much needed and well deserved vacation routine which consisted of sleeping until they physically couldn't anymore, cooking whatever they had in the fridge, reading or writing for a while, and taking a long swim or walk before they headed to bed again. They were likely the laziest days they'd had in, well, ever. And they weren't going to feel guilty over it either. Troy was handling the shop, and Normani was handling the pub, so nothing was required of them. It felt pretty good.

"Granger, come on girl." Camila patted her thigh as she walked towards the woods, Granger readily following her, keeping pace. They'd been at the cabin for over a week, and the border collie had made even more brilliant strides with the women. Anderson and Shivers helping immensely as well by leading through example.

Walking further, Camila and Granger passed through the tree line and made for the clearing they'd found the second day into their self imposed exile. Today though Camila woke up to find Lauren had disappeared, and it was a fair bet that the woman had found her way to the clearing, as it had become her favorite spot other than the cabin and surrounding area itself. She often disappeared with her dogs when Camila was busy with one thing or another.

Granger huffed happily as she leaped over every small obstacle as though it were a feat of heroism and grandeur, chocolate brown eyes glinting charmingly at Camila's praise each time. The border collie was up to a healthy weight now, fur shining due to her raw food diet, and eyes alert and sparkling with life. Honestly the canine was so unbelievably endearing that Camila couldn't imagine her life without her at this point. She came to realize that the adage 'man's best friend' held some truth.

It didn't take long for the two to reach the clearing, only about 15 minutes of a leisurely stroll through the thick trunked trees. And sure as the sun was shining that day, Camila spotted Lauren perched in her favorite tree with a book in her hand, a particularly convenient sunbeam spilling onto the open pages. She was a good 6 feet above ground, being a surprisingly accomplished climber and Camila had been slightly baffled the first time she watched the raven haired woman climb the tree. There was a perfect natural perch in the tree, allowing for Lauren to sit with her back to the trunk and her legs resting on a very thick offshoot. Camila couldn't blame her for taking the spot as her own, and in fact it worked out well as Camila herself was a fan of the soft, mossy ground beneath the tree canopy. It was perfect for napping in. Of which both Anderson and Shivers were doing at that moment. The two were curled up into donuts below the pub owner's tree, in deep sleeps. Shivers' paws were twitching, and Camila could only imagine what he was dreaming about that incited such a physical reaction. She hoped they were happy dreams.

Camila quietly slipped off her flip flops, eager to feel the soft moss between her toes. She padded slowly toward Lauren's tree, reaching a hand out to grasp a dangling ankle gently and eliciting a pleased hum from her girlfriend in doing so. Letting herself drop to sit between the two great beasts with her own back leaning against the strong tree trunk behind her, Camila settled in for a nap. Granger opted to curl up at her feet with her head resting on the brunette's crossed ankles. She'd be happy to relax and stay there for as long as she and Lauren were comfortable doing so.

She knew they couldn't stay all day unfortunately, as they were down to their last box of cookies and had been surviving on whatever was left of the dry cereal from their grocery run on day one. So they would definitely have to make a trip before the day was out as they were surely not ready to return home just yet.

But for now they weren't really concerned with it. They were having a moment and both knew it. One of those rare moments that will forever be ingrained on your memory as a perfect slice of time. Although, they'd been having a fair number of those kinds of moments since they'd been a constant presence in each others lives, and they were starting to think they were spoiled for them. And they probably were, but they most certainly weren't going to complain or tempt fate by doubting them. They would happily take what they were given. Or what they engineered to happen themselves, as the whole concept of being 'given' anything by any power other than themselves was one neither found held merit. Not to mention they'd worked too damn hard to give the credit to anyone(thing) else.

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