Chapter 28: Maybe it's not too much to hope things could actually work out

Start from the beginning

Shit, we played right into her hands. If I'd let her just take me instead......

Out of the corner of her eye, Lauren saw Dinah's hands tense at the same time that she felt Chris' hands slack entirely. Before any of them could react though, the blonde looked up with eyes wide and mouth agape. "Wait, what? You never said anything about killing people. I thought we were just going to extort her?"

"Come now darling, don't go soft on me in my moment of need. We've come this far." Clara's back stiffened and her hands clasped in front of her.

Lucy looked around the room and momentarily shared looks with Lauren and Camila. "Yeah fuck that." Quick as a flash, she pushed Ally forward and sprinted for the door, knocking Clara in the shoulder as she went, causing the woman to stumble back into the corner of the room.

Once the blonde was out of the cabin, everyone just froze for a moment in disbelief. It didn't take long for someone to do something though, as Clara was now trying to run towards Lauren with twisted hands outstretched and a snarl on her lips, she managed to snag her arm and yank the raven haired woman forward before Dinah shrieked "GET HER!" as she used her position from the floor to launch herself at the woman, jerking her away from Lauren. In short order, she found herself under a dog pile of gingers and one very angered frat boy who was as much puppy as boy anyway. Clara struggled and screamed from her position on her stomach, four grown adults sitting on her and successfully holding her still.

Camila ran up next to Lauren and latched onto her arm. "Lo! Are you okay?" Brown concern filled eyes scanned her and two strong hands ran the length of her arm making sure it was free of blemishes or marks.

"Camila." The brunette continued to frantically check Lauren over. "CAMILA!" this caught the tiny woman's attention finally. "Camz, I'm fine. In fact, I'm more than fine." The two turned their heads and took in the scene before them only to find that Normani had somehow removed her socks and stuck them in Clara's mouth to muffle her screams. She was now gagging slightly from what they could only assume was a ripe taste as they could smell them from their distance. Lauren looked up and met Camila's eyes, the humor in both women easily read. It took all of three seconds for them to burst out laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation that had only recently been so grave.

During all the confusion, Chris had scampered to follow Lucy in ensuring she didn't get away. As the mechanic and pub owner started to control their giggles, he made his way back into the cabin with a perplexed expression. "Uhhh, guys? There's something outside you need to see." At that, he disappeared through the door again.

Filled with curiosity and trepidation, the two sobered up women followed him outside.

What awaited them was one very angry blonde laying flat on her back with a snarling wolfhound hovering over her while the great dane had her arm holding the knife held firmly in her mouth as she laid placidly next to her. At the couple's appearance outside, Anderson looked to them and her tail wagged emphatically, conveniently directly in Lucy's face and causing the blonde to sputter.

This time, their laughter couldn't be contained.


Miraculously, all of the scooby squad made it out unharmed. Not a scratch among them. Together (with the help of Shivers and Anderson of course) they'd managed to wrangle the two women back into town and into the Sheriff's office. Luckily for them, Lucy was also wanted but on charges pertaining to thievery, much less serious charges than Clara. However, she did have affiliation with a known dangerous criminal added as well as aiding and abetting a fugitive. So suffice it to say, they were both legally screwed for a good long while.

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