Part 6- 6:40pm

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Alex broke a few triangular pieces off the end of the bar, passing some to Magnus. They slid against the wall until they were sitting on the ground near the store, like they did with the macarons.

"Aren't you cold?" Alex asked, tossing a piece of chocolate into her mouth. 

"Why do you ask?"

"I'm cold, and I'm wearing a sweater. And you," —she motioned toward Magnus' green t-shirt—"look like you should be colder." 

Magnus shrugged, "I've grown resistant against the cold I guess. Here, have this." 

He opened his bag and rummaged through it until he brought out a pale brown turtleneck, tossing it to Alex. 

"Thanks," she said, slipping it over her head. 

"No problem." 

There was a pause in which the hustle of the airport became prominent. 

"So I've been thinking. We have to meet up again, after this," Alex said.

"Yeah. In another airport?" Magnus joked, poking his friend in the side.

"No. This has been hell. Hey, I still need your number."

"Oh yeah." The two of them exchanged phones and quickly typed in their respective phone numbers.

"Hey, give that back!" Alex protested as Magnus held up her phone and took a silly selfie, just to annoy her. He grinned and passed it back.

"You're so annoying," she muttered, her finger hovering over delete for a moment. At the last moment, she caught herself and kept the photo, sliding her phone back into her pocket and passing Magnus his back. A moment passed, or maybe 2.

"Let's go somewhere more comfy," Alex suggested. Magnus pretended to pout, gasping so dramatically loud that people passing by gave him weird looks.

"But I like these tiles! They're so soft!" he jokingly protested, trying to stop himself from grinning. 

Alex smiled and rolled her eyes, standing up. She extended a hand,  which he gratefully took. 

"Come on, stupid," she demanded, helping him up. 

Still holding hands, the two of them grabbed their bags and walked over to the lounge they'd occupied so much these past few hours. They took their time, talking about simple things and rambling about the nothings and somethings that made them happy. 

"You," Magnus joked. Alex just laughed, but the comment made her feel like she could fly. 

When they got to the lounge, they collapsed on a couch and plugged in their AirPods, continuing the playlist they listened to before. Alex pulled her computer out of her bag to send some emails to friends from home, and Magnus turned on his phone again. 

Soon, he found himself dozing off. A quick wave of anxiety washed over him- there were so many strangers around! But somehow, here, next to Alex, he felt safe and he let conciseness slip away from him.


"Wake up, Magnus. I'm gonna miss my flight." Magnus opened his eyes and groggigly sat upright.

"How long...?"

"Like, 50 minutes. I thought you didn't feel 'safe enough'," Alex mocked, smiling at him. 

Magnus gave a sheepish grin, "Me neither."  

The meaning of what he said registered with Alex and she looked away, blushing. "Come on loser. I want to say goodbye to you at the gate." 

The two of them walked in silence to Alex's gate, where the flight attendee was in the middle of reading out economy rows. 

"I'm already late!" she groaned. 

"Well, go then!"

"Wait-" she began taking off her sweater, but Magnus stopped her. 

"Keep it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yup." Alex started hurrying to the walkway to the plane, but stopped and looked back at Magnus. 

A moment passed, the two of them just looking at each other. And then, as though Fate had pulled the strings, they walked towards each other and their lips met for a single brief moment.

"Bye, loser!" Alex laughed, a grin on her face, running toward her plane.

"B-bye..." Magnus called. He stood in a daze until Alex was no longer in his line of sight, before breaking into a huge smile and walking away, a skip in his step, thinking about when he would next see her again.


Ok, so there's probably gonna be a sequal but for now *jazz hands* there you go.

Thanks bye :D

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