Part 2- 2:14pm

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Alex found the pair a quiet lounge with only a depressed-looking man on his computer and a couple asleep on each other's shoulders. They sat in the corner and took out their respective phones, scrolling through emails and social media and whatever. The internet was really trash but at least it was free. 

About 30 minutes later, Magnus stood up. 

"I've gotta get more coffee," he informed his friend, grabbing the handle of his mini suitcase. "You stay here."

"Leave your crap here, I'll look after it," Alex said sleepily. 

"Thanks. Do you want anything?"

"An iced latte or something basic, as long as it's sweet and cold," he said.

"Alright. See you soon."  

Alex looked up at Magnus' retreating figure and a pang of sadness at him leaving—even for a few minutes—swirled in his stomach. Annoyed at the feeling, Alex turned back toward his phone and opened Pinterest. 

He scrolled through various travel boards, matching his current predicament, but bored quickly. He looked up at a sign nearby advertising an app that made staying at the airport easier. He decided to give it a shot, installing it and waiting a million years for it to download thanks to the slow internet.

"Hi," Magnus said, minutes later, passing Alex his drink. The ice clinked around in it, bumping against the straw. 

"Thank you. I owe you."

"Don't worry about it. Airport currency is flexible," Magnus reminded. 

Alex laughed. 
"Sure. Anyway, I downloaded this new app for the airport with a map and stuff. It's pretty trash, but we can explore now.

"Ok, let's do that."


It took the pair 30 minutes to reach a cactus garden 15 minutes away, as during the journey they browsed through random stores and laughed at the overpriced items. They bought a few $3.50 chocolate bars and ate them the rest of the way to the garden, not before stuffing a few in Alex's backpack and Magnus' mini suitcase. 

They'd already gone through security, what could they do to stop them? When Magnus brought up this topic, an exciting spark shone through Alex's eyes. 

"So before I left home, I filled a bleach bottle with water and put it in my hand luggage, and when security asked me to take it out and throw it away, I drank it all in front of them." 

Magnus laughed. "Oh my gods, you're crazy. That sounds like something you'd see on Tumblr."

"You have Tumblr? We should follow each other," Alex suggested. 

"Yes! Oh, we don't even have each other's numbers," Magnus pointed out. The two of them were about to swap phones when they reached the garden. It was designed a bit like a greenhouse, with a glass roof and stone paths weaving through different succulents. 

"This makes me want to draw," Alex said when they stepped through the doorway. 

"You draw? You never told me that," Magnus replied in surprise. 

"Yeah, and you never told me you had Tumblr!" Alex retorted. 

"Hey, I'm not going to rant about my social media to people I've just become friends with."

"Aww, we're friends?"

"You're a dork." He chuckled and the two of them walked in silence for a bit. Magnus turned toward Alex and watched the teen's hair grow brighter every time they stepped out of the shadows. A warm feeling grew inside him. 

"You're staring," Alex pointed out. 

"Am not,"  Magnus muttered, blushing and looking away. He even reminded himself of a middle schooler with that remark. The afternoon sun rays sliding through the roof illuminated the succulents around the path and Magnus' smile.


After a few minutes of walking in silence, Alex and Magnus returned to the hotel rooms to see if any more were available, but no luck.

"How are they all full," Alex groaned. "I haven't showered in a million hours."

"Seems like you're exaggerating a bit," Magnus said vaguely, looking around at the white tiles. 

"Yeah. Guess we're sleeping in the lounge."

"I'd rather stay awake. I just don't feel safe with all these strangers," Magnus admitted. Alex nodded thoughtfully. 

"Yeah, it is kind of scary."

"More coffee?" Magnus asked. Alex smiled. 

"No, you idiot. We just finished our last ones!" he replied. 

Magnus feined hurt. "You're so mean."

"I prove my point."

"Hey, let's get something real to eat. I saw a place selling falafel back by the cactus garden. Those are my favourite," he suggested. 

"Sure. I've never tried it," Alex shrugged. Magnus turned, wide-eyed. 

"Never tried falafel? What even are you?" he asked, grabbing Alex's hand and leading him back toward the garden. Alex's chest fluttered at the touch and he laughed at Magnus' over-the-top reaction. 

"Calm down, I'm sure they're great."



Please read these btw.

So, another shot filler chapter. But nice. I made notes for chapters 4 and beyond so those will have a bit more plot but still just random fluff. Anyway, on with the book.

Also, all the prices will be Australian for now (Because i'm too tired to figure out the American prices and stuff. Deal with it)

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