Part 4- 4:50pm

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Magnus wasn't really sure if he had gone further than he should've, but Magnus chose a spot with a slim couch that ringed around a giant pot with all sorts of greenery. He sat on the couch in a spot where Alex wouldn't see him. 7 minutes passed and Magnus grew impatient. He stood up and walked back the way he came, passing a few funnily-named stores he knew Alex would like. Looking around, he suddenly realised something.

He was lost.


He barely recognized anything. If Alex was there, it would've been better; they at least could've kept each other company while following random maps and trying to find a place they recognized. But Magnus was alone (apart from his anxiety, of course). He didn't even have his phone, he left it carelessly in his hand luggage.

He walked mindlessly through the tangle of stores, eventually finding gates, but none of them were his- or even close. He started doubting he was even in the same terminal. Heck, he could've been on a different plane of reality. He bought another coffee from some strange store he'd never been to and sat down somewhere he didn't recognize.

"Magnus?" A voice snapped him out of a coffee-and-anxiety-induced daze. He looked up to see a close friend of his, Blitz, looking over him, a large duffel bag slung over his shoulder. 

"Blitz!" he jumped up and gave his friend a hug. 

"You never told me you were travelling!" he laughed. 

"You didn't either," Magnus pointed out. "Then again, you're always travelling, aren't you?" Blitz smiled.

"Sure, kid. My plane leaves in less than an hour. I'm travelling without Hearth this time, he says he needs a break from planes. I'll see him soon though." Magnus nodded, it was difficult to imagine Blitz without his best friend (if he was gonna be honest, they acted like a married couple), but they probably needed a break from each other.

"I've got about another 4 and a half hours. I'm lost, though. I made a friend and we got separated. I may have wandered a bit too far," Magnus explained.

 Blitz laughed, "Lucky for you, I'm an expert at navigation. I once found my way out of New York with only a crappy paper map and my memory. Can you tell me some of the places near where you last saw your friend?" 


Thanks to Blitz's help, it only took about 20 minutes for someone in the completely wrong place to find the right one. He had the app on his phone and, as a result, had a reasonably reliable map.

"Well, here's your falafel place..." Blitz mused, hands on hips.

"Magnus!" Magnus turned to see Alex rushing towards him. He caught her in an embrace which held for about a second before Alex whacked him on the head with her backpack. 

"You cheated!" she said, exasperation clear. 

"It's not my fault!"

"It was very much your fault."

"Ahem." The two turned towards Blitz. 

"Who's this?" Alex asked. Magnus elbowed her in the ribs.

"Don't be rude. This is Blitz, a friend of mine," He explained. Blitz held out a hand.

"Nice to meet you," he said. Alex shook his hand slightly warily. 

"My name's Alex. Pronouns are she/her unless I tell you otherwise." A flicker of surprise briefly crossed over Blitz' face before his expression reverted back to his usual amusement.

"Magnus told me he got lost but wouldn't explain why... could you?" Blitz enquired. Alex's expression broke into a grin and Magnus' face turned red. 

"It- it wasn't- I-" he spluttered. Alex put a hand over his mouth. 

"We were playing hide-and-seek- and keep in mind he made up where we could and couldn't go- and he just ran off to somewhere non-existent."

"He broke his own rules?" 

"You'd be surprised..."


They sat down at the side of some hallway and shared the macarons. When Magnus showed reluctance to sitting down in a walkway, Alex protested that people were sleeping on the side of this hallway, and whatever 'Airport Rules' were, applied.

"Alex, what time does your flight leave?" Blitz asked once they were comfortably sitting down.

"8:30. Still a while away, which is good. I can babysit Magnus for a little bit longer, which is a good thing, because the moMENT we got separated in a game of hide-and-seek he got LOST."

"Hey, to be fair, this is my first time travelling alone," Magnus pointed out. 

"Same, but I have common sense." 

Magnus stuck his tongue out at her and turned away, nibbling on his macaron, while Blitz smiled and shook his head at their childish behaviour. And another, secret smile, just for them.



Aww, these dorks are so cute. It's fun to write, even though there's no plot. Ah well. I have more ideas for the next chapter, but times ticking! 

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