Part 5- 5:41pm

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After eating, they accompanied Blitz to his gate, arriving just as the flight attendee called out his row in economy. They waved goodbye as he scanned his ticket and stepped into the walkway that would lead him to his plane and then his further destination.

"Bye Blitz!" Magnus called, standing on the tips of his toes. 

"Cya, kid." He waved, and then he was out of sight. Magnus turned back toward Alex.

"What now?" she asked. He shrugged.

"More hide-and-seek?" 

"You dork. I'm not traipsing around the airport to find you when you get lost again. Come on, let's go to the lounge and listen to more music."


"Ok. What song now?" Magnus asked after they had found the lounge and connected the various Bluetooth devices.

"Why are you asking me? Just shuffle some chill playlist like last time," she snorted. 

Magnus shrugged and complied, 'Dandelions' by Ruth B starting to play. They sat in comfortable silence for a while before Magnus turned to see Alex looking at him. As he stared into her heterochromatic eyes, he realised that he didn't want to go on a different flight to her and not see that random rude customer he met only a few hours ago for a long time. He looked away, blushing, but with a smile. 

About 17 minutes later, Alex got up. 

"I'll go get us coffee this time," she said, stretching. 

"Don't get any for me, it's okay. I don't want any," Magnus said. Alex looked surprised but shrugged. 

"Oh well. See you soon!" she jogged off and Magnus hugged his knees to his chest, thoughts sliding through his brain too fast for him to catch.

He checked his phone for the time, slightly disappointed when he found that it was 5:58 already. Counting on his fingers, he worked out that he had about 3 and a half more hours, and Alex had 2 and a half. 

"I'm back. I can't believe you don't want coffee, I was under the impression that you were some sort of addict," Alex joked, sitting next to him, a clear lidded plastic cup with something cold (probably the same latte she had earlier) in it. Magnus poked her arm. 

"I'm not an addict. You're the one with weird hair and a sweater with swear words on it," he pointed out. 

Alex shrugged and took a sip of her drink, "It's a fashion choice, not a lifestyle." 

Magnus snorted and Alex rolled her eyes.

"In all seriousness, though, more hide-and-seek sounds fun." 

"It's just you and the void, Magnus, you and the void."


The two of them decided that something productive was a good idea, so they walked until they found a charging area. They plugged in their phones and continued to listen to chill music through AirPods, like 'Winter, Breath' by Softy. Soon they began DMing each other random messages on Tumblr, lacking anything else to do.

Alex: omg  look its a wild loser

Magnus: What do you even do in your free time?

Alex: wdym

Alex: i exist

Magnus: You're so weird. I meant, like, do you have hobbies??

Alex: yeah you know i draw

Alex: i also do pottery and other art stuff but those are the main 2

Magnus: Do you do digital art

Alex: no

Alex: what do you do in your free time

Magnus: Not much. I like writing I guess, I'm not good at it though. 

At this point, Magnus looked up to see Alex rolling her eyes.

"Do it if you like it, dork, whether you're good at it or not," she advised.

"Oh wow, thank you for your wisdom," he said sarcastically.

"No problem." It was Magnus' turn to roll his eyes. "Hey, can you turn the music up?" she asked. 


Magnus slid the volume bar up, the ambience and instrumental melody rising in their ears. 

"How about we go buy a massive chocolate bar?" Alex suggested after a few moments.

"Sure, only if it's long enough." 

There was a short pause.

"That's what she said."

At this point they both stared at each other before bursting into hysterical laughter.

"Oh my gosh, you're the worst," Alex said between giggles.


"Kitkat or Mars Bars?" Magnus enquired, holding up the options.

"What size are they?" Alex asked.

"Too small. Hmmm..."

"How about classic airport floor chocolate-" 

"Toblerone?" Magnus interrupted.

"Haha, of course. Some of them are massive." Magnus picked out the biggest he could find and took it to the counter, where a tired-looking cashier didn't even say hello before scanning the block. 

"That'll be $18 please," he stated. Then, catching the look on Magnus and Alex's faces, quickly added, "I don't choose the prices."  

Alex sighed but scanned her card nevertheless, paying the needed total. They then exited the shop, the sound of their shoes slapping tiles slightly changing as they left the store. 

"Here, I owe you $9-"

"Didn't you bring up airport currency?"

"Haha, right. But still."

"Let it go, loser."

"Love you too."


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