Straight On 'Till Morning

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Today was Draco's sixteenth birthday and he wasn't excited at all. At this age, aristocratic male children were expected to pick a bride the day after their birthday. There was one problem, Draco couldn't see himself with a wife.

It was now night and Draco had his two best friends staying over on his request. Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini were always by his side, he even told them about not being interested in the opposite gender and they said they weren't either. All three of them sighed in relief that day, but agreed to tell nobody else as the world was homophobic.

Pansy Parkinson was a special kind of person. She is the sweetest and most bubbly when you get past her cold exterior. But if you get on her wrong side, you may not live to see another day. Her hair leisurely sat on her shoulders; it was the darkest, mysterious colour close to a crimson purple. Her features made her look pug-like, but she looked cute. Her height wasn't much, she had to look up at almost everyone.

Blaise Zabini was an entirely different story. He wasn't cold on the outside or the inside, but that is what made him scary. Even when threatening someone he is tranquil, even Draco and Pansy shivers. Surprisingly, his family was very rich: this is shocking because of his background. The boy is half Italian, a boy of colour, and is the only male in his family. Somehow, all Miss. Zabini's Husbands die, and she is left with the money.

Today was a special day for Pansy, this was the first time Pansy Parkinson snooped in Draco Malfoy's room. In his pillow case was an old, tatty diary, a string to lap over the books edge. "Ooo, what's this?" She ushered Blaise over to see with her. They both read the first page before Draco exited the bathroom and snatched the book away.
"What is that Draco?" Blaise questioned, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"It's nothing, forget it." He replied maybe too quickly.
Rolling her eyes, Pansy lunged for the book, "Can you at least read us the second page? I want to know more about this Harry Potter!"

Tentatively, Draco peeled the book from his chest and explained, "When I was young, my mother would tell me stories of a boy named Harry Potter, who lived on an island called Neverland- second star to the right and straight on till morning." He sighed, glancing out the window because Draco thought he saw something, "she told me about this evil Captain, Tom Marvolo Riddle, or Lord Voldemort, who was looking for immortality and pixie dust so he can fly. She told me about Harry Potter."

He steadily sighed again, "How he was the kindest soul with the purest of hearts, and always tried to do the right thing. She said that even once, he helped two pirates leave Neverland so they could have a family and join the Muggle world- our world. Muggle means people who do age."

"Draco, you do know it is make-believe, correct?" Blaise snorted but stopped after a female hand collided with his head.
"That's the thing!" Draco clicked his fingers, "I feel like it's real somehow. I just get the sense it's there. It's tangible, but just out of reach."

"Draco darling," Pansy placed a hand over his, "has it occurred to you that maybe you think it's real as an escape? We know you don't like it here, so this is just your escape to somewhere that there isn't any pressure." Draco thought for a bit, maybe she was right. Maybe, Draco only longed for it to be real; his escapism.
"Yeah, you're probably right." Draco sat up to open his window on the scorching hot summer night.

The trio quickly fell asleep to the sounds of the soft wind hitting the glass, the low hoot of an owl and low chatter from outside the window that all three found oddly soothing. This may be a good time to mention Draco is a light sleeper ever since an incident that happened when he was home alone for a week while his parents were on a business trip. He could feel someone close to him and it scared him shitless to say the least. First reaction, Draco swung his fist and leapt up, startling Pansy and Blaise to bolt up- Pansy from a bed and Blaise from the floor.

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