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It was a normal day aboard the Jolly Roger. Captain Tom Marvolo Riddle, or Lord Voldemort, was trying to figure out how to get the Philosophers Stone, the thing that allows them to not age, and the pixie dust, so they can fly away.

It was a normal day on the island too. Harry Potter awoke and greeted his lost boys- and one girl- as they all sat down for food, plus Gin his pixie. He said good morning to the couple, Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan, Ronald Weasley or Weasel, Neville Longbottom, and Hermione Granger. Then, he went to the Natives, The Hogwarts Tribe, to say hello.

There was one thing different to this day than any other. The ship was down two people, and the island gained two. Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy escaped the Jolly Roger at the dead of night to make it to the island. They stumbled through the forest and avoided the boggarts and Dementors to try and find Potter.

"I think I can see myself some Pirates!" Potter smiled, drawing his sword at the two. It was very un-Malfoy like to plead, but Lucius Malfoy got on his knees to ask Potter.

"Harry Potter, we beg you, please take us to the Muggles! My wife, Narcissa, is with child."

"And this concerns me because?" He hovered above them.
Graceful, but annoyed, Lucius stood, "We need your help."
"Care to explain?" Potter branded his sword.

"Take us to the Muggles, fly us there. We want to raise our child, and it would be two less pirates for you to take down. You can check up on his whenever you wish, to make sure we are not up to anything. Just please, we want a family."

It was his word choosing: family, something Harry never had till he arrived at Neverland some time ago. His parents, killed when he was young by a maniac who somehow disappeared from the crime scene, surrounded by police. Then, he went to live at his aunt and Uncles, but his life was far from perfect. Therefore, at the age of a teenager, he ran away and met two people, Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley who were also both abandoned by their families.

Ron spoke about this place called Neverland, that's where his family was. They never believed him, until two tall, ginger haired twins appeared in front of them with a glowing object fluttering in the air. The twins they found out, were Fred and George Weasley, and the glowing object was known as a fairy. Her name was Luna. They flew to Neverland, and the rest is history.

"Ok. I will fly you to the Muggle world."

It had been years since that happened, and this was Harry Potter's first visit since then. He looked at their son, age fifteen. He had the most beautiful eyes, shining brighter than the second star to the right. His hair shimmered in the sun and made rooms brighter in the rain. Everything about their son- he came to know his name as Draco Malfoy- was enticing. The boy was an angel: a perfect, elegant angel, who knew who Harry Potter was.

After his first visit to the Malfoy's, Potter would come back at least once a month to hear Draco read out loud- which Draco preferred to do than in silence- and read about stories Draco wrote about him nonetheless. Slowly, this progressed into a year full of adoration, dare he say love, and Harry had to take Draco to Neverland. The raven-haired boy couldn't imagine life without him, and something stirred in his stomach every time Harry imagined Draco with a different woman or man.

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