Into The Unknown

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"Draco!" Harry's smile was almost enough for Draco to forgive him. "You're back." His face formed into one of worry, "How are you back? Did they hurt you?" Running around the table, Harry's hands went to check for bruises, to grab his hands or his face or both, but stopping just short of physical touch.

"I'm fine, Potter." Draco weaved past, scanning the books Harry had out. Fairies History, What we Know About the Prophecy, Guide to Neverland, Everyone Knows Everyone! All illustrated by Dean Thomas, and all written by Hermione Granger. How long had they all been here for?

"You must know I didn't bring you here because of the Prophecy." Pleaded Harry, eyes sorrowful and on the brink of tears.

"How can I be sure?" Draco sighed. "Maybe Mother had you wrong, maybe your heart isn't so pure."

"Draco, almost every night I visited your house, listening to your stories." Harry wistfully said, "Sometimes even listening to you voice your troubles as you talked to the stars. I used to think you were talking to me, that you needed me to comfort you and just listening was enough." Wetly, Harry laughed. "I brought you here because... because your parents were going to force you to marry, and I couldn't stand that thought. Of you belonging to someone."

"What does that mean, Harry?" Draco asked, "I believe you, I do. That you didn't bring me here with some devious plan. But you didn't give me answers when you knew. I had to figure out from Tom Riddle that my parents used to belong to his crew, that I'm at the centre to some prophecy and without me Neverland will crumble to pieces. That my aunt is a wiccan, and my Godfather was Severus Snape."

"I know and I'm sorry, Draco. I got so caught up in you being here, in finally talking to you that I didn't tell you. And it's not an excuse."

Sighing, Draco grabbed Harry's hand and pulled up a chair so he could sit by the seat Harry was previously sat at. "Second chances, yeah?" Draco smiled. "No more secrets?"

"None." Harry smiled, unable to hold off any longer and lunging in for a hug. A big, warm bear hug that Draco melted under.

Being in Harry's arms was like nothing else. A single, hot tear fell down his cheek to soak Harry's shoulder, and Draco buried his face deep, allowing Harry's scent to calm him down. Finally pulling away, Draco took a deep breath then went back to business. "Right. So, tell me, what are you doing?"

"Researching. Did Tom tell you about it?" Draco nodded and Harry carried on explaining, "Everything we know is written down in here. About the Prophecy, but also about Neverland in general." Taking What we Know About the Prophecy, Draco saw it was a flimsy book of about five pages. "Regulus Black tried to destroy it, whatever 'it' was, and ended up drowning before he could. The things guarding where the prophecy takes place in the Skull Cave, the Inferi, dragged him under."

"But it can't be me." Draco mumbled.

But Harry thought that was a load of bird shit. After listening – and falling – for the boy, Draco was someone with hopes and dreams, someone that helped people whenever he could no matter what. When had this boy harmed anyone? Hell, he was even willing to marry a woman he didn't know to please his parents, because he didn't want their family to go back to how they used to live. "It's OK to be nervous, Draco." Harry took his hand, squeezing it. "This is a big thing, I don't expect you to act like this is normal."

"No I... it's just not me, Harry. Why is it not Luna?" He tried to deride the attention to something else.

"She's a fairy born in Neverland."

"Well what about you?"

"Draco," Harry faced him, running his hand over the worried lines on Draco's face to sooth and calm him down, "no matter what, I will be by your side. If you aren't, I'll get you out of there. You have nothing to worry about."

Taking a deep breath, Draco closed his eyes and calmed his mind. Forgetting about Severus, about his crazy aunt, about all the lies in his life leading him to now. Once Neverland was saved, the place will be at rest. 

"Maybe we should leave now." Harry took the thoughts right out of Draco's head. "Less people means a less likely chance of running into Dementors and Boggarts, and I can fly us there if we go fast enough."

"We're doing this then." Draco asked, but then Harry smiled and his face lit up, too.

"We're doing this."

"We're doing this." Draco quoted Harry when they landed in Skull Cave. From the outside, it had jagged rocks, worn, tired eyes and an opening like its jaw had been dislocated. Flying to the other side of Neverland should have tired Harry out. Afterall, the sun was beginning to set and normally this would be time for supper. And the only sign of life was a lone raven, circling the skull to fly away again.

When Draco loosened his grip on Harry's hand, the other boy tightened his and took a step forward. Draco put a hand on Harry's chest, "I have to go in alone."

"No, you don't." Harry held him by the elbow, pulling Draco closer so they were closer than face to face.

"I do, Harry, we both know that. If you go in, you will be dragged away by the Inferi."

"But what if something goes wrong?" Worried Harry, looking like a kicked puppy. "I can't lose you."

Cupping his face, Draco scoffed. "You silly, silly man. You won't lose me, OK? I'll be in and out before it gets too dark." Taking a moment to bask quietly in each others presence, Draco pressed a tender, soft kiss to those lips. Gasping, Harry didn't know what to do so he followed Draco's lead and pushed back.

Pulling away, Draco said, "For bringing my book when I thought I forgot it." Then, he pecked the stunned boy again. "For being my source of comfort when I didn't want anyone else to listen."

Walking away, Draco's figure melted into the darkness of Skull Cave. 

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