Chapter 2

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Kane wakes up with Abby sleeping on his shoulder. He looks over at her and smiles.
She's so beautiful, he thinks. He loves her so much.
Kane thinks about the night before. How he whispered I love you into Abby's ear. He wonders if she heard, and for a second he hopes she had heard him. He wants her to know how he feels.
Kane knows Abby doesn't feel the same way; but he still wants to comfort her. He wants to be like family to her. She had to float her husband, and her daughter is missing. He is the only family she has right now, and she needs someone to count on.
About 25 minutes after Kane woke up, Abby slowly opens her eyes and looks up at Kane.
"Hi", Abby says, still half asleep.
"How was your sleep?" Kane asks.
"Awesome" Abby says sarcastically, rubbing her head.
She stands up and brushes off her jeans to go confront the rest of her people. Kane gets up too, wanting to make sure she is okay.
As they walk to the center of camp they hear soft sobs coming from the corner.
"Bellamy" Kane says, with a concerned look on his face.
Abby and Kane rush over to help Bellamy. When they get there, Bellamy turns away in shame.
"It's okay to be upset, Bellamy" Kane says. "You have been through so much in the past few weeks. You've experienced things you shouldn't have to experience. Everyone is a little off. But we will recover, I promise."
There is a long silence before Bellamy finally chokes something out.
"It's not that." He says through his tears. "It's Clarke. I thought she wasn't going to go through with it. I thought I would convince her... I could've convinced her to stay. 'I'll bear it, so they don't have to'. She didn't have to do that! I could've helped her. I can't live without her..." he says until he starts to sob loudly again.
"Bellamy, Clarke will come back. I know she will", Abby says; on the verge of tears. Bellamy doesn't believe her. She doesn't even believe herself.
"It's just... I never even got to tell her." Bellamy chokes out.
Abby sits next to him and puts a hand on his back.
"I love her, too." Abby says.
Bellamy looks up at Abby and Kane for the first time, revealing his wet face.
"How did you know that I love her?" He asks.
"It's the way you look at her. Like she is the most amazing person on the world. Like she is the only thing that brings you happiness here. I have the same feeling, I know what it's like", Kane says.
Bellamy lets out a long sigh, followed by more soft tears.
"It's okay", whispers Abby. She can hardly get it out through her tears.
The sun is beginning to set at Camp Jaha. Abby sits next to Kane, Kane's arm around her shoulder and her face buried in his chest.
It's so beautiful. Abby thinks. The way that the sun rises and sets each day. In space, all we saw was the sun. Here on earth the sky is filled with marvelous colors I didn't even know existed.
Abby looks up at Kane. He is staring at the sunset, too.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Abby says. "Earth has been quite a rough journey. But it's things like this... that are so remarkable. It makes me realize why we wanted to go to earth in the first place. The things that have happened have made earth seem like hell. But look at this. This was the dream! It's so much better than being locked up in that tin can!"
Kane admires her for a few minutes. What she just said was so beautiful. She is so beautiful! He just wants to tell her that. But he can't. That won't help Abby. He needs to do what's best for her.
After silently watching the sun set, Abby yawns.
"Sleepy?" Kane asks her.
"It's been a long day."
"It's okay. Just go to sleep." Kane says.
And with that, she rests her head on Kane's lap and falls asleep.

I know it is just fluff right now, but wait until chapter three! There will be some surprises! ;D

Love is Weakness- A Kabby Fanfiction {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now