Dinner for Five

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Tick tick,tick tick. The clock just continued to tick away, I counted down the minutes since Itachi walked out the door to go get Sakura and her mother and bring them to dinner but that's not what worried me. I was more worried about my father who was coming back tonight, I continued to play each scenario in my head. I had no clue what kind of mood he would be in tonight and if he dared even show any hostility toward Sakura or her mother id have to react quickly.

Downstairs I heard the front door open, not thinking I ran downstairs to see my father standing in the hall with a brief case in hand. He kissed moms cheek then smiled that's when he noticed me, "I heard you were in the hospital. How are you feeling?" he asked which caught me completely off guard. Clearing my throat I stepped off the stairs, "I'm feeling better. How was ur trip?" I asked. His eyes darkened, "Ill tell you during dinner. Now where's this girl that your dating?" he asked in a surprising manner. "Uh..." was all I could choke out. Thankfully mom saved me, "Itachi went to pick her up." he nodded and sat his case down, "I see. I'm going to take a shower, its good to be home." he started to walk off when I heard him murmur, "If only for a little while."


"Ok I'm ready to go." I told Itachi. "Great. Lets go." he yelled then stomped the gas peddle making everything outside fly past us like gone in sixty seconds. I thought we were going to die a few times but thankfully we pulled up in the drive way of the Uchiha house. I opened my door to get out when I heard Itachi say, "Shit he's home early." I didn't have time to think because my body moved on its own. Making my way up to the door I stopped, "Ill go in first. Follow me princess, your prince awaits." I blushed knowing that I was about to see Sasuke again.

"Hola! No need to fear Itachi is here!" he said loudly as we walked into the house. "Bout time you came back. He came home early." Came the familiar voice that could make me shiver. Sasuke stood at the bottom of the stairs staring at his older brother with dark cold eyes, but then he saw me and instantly the cold melted away from his features. Stepping forward it was like I gravitated toward him, He took my hand looked back at Itachi who only chuckled, "Go have your fifty shades fun ill be down here watching Digimon till dinner." With that Sasuke led me up the stairs to his room. Once there he shut his door behind us then next thing I knew he had me pressed up against the door, his lips pressed against mine. Man I've missed this.


I sspaced out on the couch. So many things were going threw my head. On the outside I seemed like the easy going guy who liked to joke around but not a lot of people got to see my other side, the more serious side. "You ok son?" came my fathers voice. He stood in the doorway of the living room, seeing my father just by looks alone you would think he wasn't a very nice guy. He had a permanent scowl on his face, "I'm ok, how was the trip?" I asked while sitting up straighter.

Sitting beside me he gave a sigh and rubbed his temples something he does often when he's stressed. "It was ok until I found out that a man who we and the Hyugas put out of business a long time ago has come back. We know he's after the heirs of our companies we're going to meet to decide what to do about him." I remember the guy he was talking about, not a lot of things could freak me out but that man was one of them. "You think the thing that happened at the prom to Sasuke was him?" I asked.
"Maybe. We're not sure how many people he has working for him. For now keep an eye on Sasuke and his girlfriend." he said. He hardly ever showed it but deep down he really cared about Sasuke. I nodded, "Boys dinners ready." my mothers voice echoed from the kitchen. "Lets go eat." he said giving me a solemn look. What a night.


"No no no!!" he groaned.
"Read them and weep at the genius that is Kiba the lord of K9's!!" The brown haired boy cheered at his win over the blonde. "Ugh I'm not sure how but you cheated!" he grumbled. Jumping to his feet, Naruto made his way into Kiba's kitchen. "Dude where's all your ramen!?" he called from the kitchen, "What!? Hey get out of my kitchen. If your hungry go home and eat!" sighing the hungry blonde made his way home. "Ugh my stomachs growling so much!! I'm so hungry that I'm dying! Ramen I need ramen..."
"Naruto-kun?" came a shy voice. Turning he saw Hinata standing behind him, "You going home?" she asked. Naruto looked over at his house which was walking distance away from Kiba's but then it crossed his mind that yesterday he ate his last remaining cup of ramen.

Raven Blossom series: Midnight BlossomTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang