"Please do."

She pointed an accusatory finger at me. "Same goes for you."

"I don't know how."

"Just imagine a brick wall."

"An imaginary brick wall? Is that all it takes?"

"I told you, I'm new at this. But I've had a wall up to ward off Chip since the whole Gold Rush Revenge incident and he hasn't shown his face, human or wolf, has he?" She circled around the car and waited for me to unlock the passenger door.

Once we were both inside, she leaned back against the head rest and turned her face to me. "Are you still returning to the archive?"

I nodded. "I'll be careful."

"How many people have died after saying those words?"

"I won't add to the count."

I put the car into gear, and we headed back towards Verity's place. She said very little until we'd arrived and I'd walked her up to her door.

"Bolt the door, arm the alarm." I told her.

As I turned to leave, she grasped my arm, sending tingling warmth through me. I wanted her to keep grabbing me like that. I wanted her to keep me from leaving, pull me inside her apartment and make me stay all night.

"I'm not reading your mind anymore," she said.

My cheeks grew warm. "Thank God."

"Right, but when I was... you mentioned you'd had no control over what must have happened to you."

My resolve to leave and search for my answers returned. "Well, I was six, so..."

"So, who did?"

Shit. I didn't want to get into this now. I build my brick wall and added a titanium barrier to it for good measure.

"As for me," she continued, "my mother must have brought me. What about you? Were your parents..."

"I can't talk about this." I pulled my arm away from her. "Not now."

"Okay, I'm sorry. It's just that, you have no memories, and yet, you're getting upset about a very specific question."

No. I had no memories of the Noble Plan experiment, but I had a few of the people who must have chosen me for it, memories of the people who were supposed to protect me.

These were the same people who, as AV's head scientists, wouldn't have just known about the experiment; they would have been running it.

"Verity, I..."

She looked at me hopefully. Those eyes—I had to look away, or she'd get everything she wanted from me—both the things I wanted to give her and the secrets I wasn't quite ready to give up.

"I have to go."

Her face fell. "All right. I didn't mean to pry."

"Its not that. You didn't. I just..."

She grabbed my arm again, her wide eyes searching for mine. I averted her gaze even though every part of me ached to give in.

She let go and took a step back, seemingly resolved to my decision. "Don't add to the count of the dead tonight."

With a nod, I left her standing in the doorway.

None of this seemed real. Werewolves, physcic werewolves, telepathic powers, and most unbelievable: Verity Jayne desiring me. It couldn't be true. Most likely, I was misreading everything, and she didn't see me as any more than a means to an end. She needed my help, ergo, she could pretend to be into me. I wouldn't blame her if she still hated me. What had I done but lie to her and almost get her killed today?

I drove back to the warehouse district, my mood grim. I'd been experimented on as a young child and now I could read minds. Or, at least, read Verity's. I'd lied but only because I'd been lied to by everyone I trusted. Anger boiled over. I pulled over to let a firetruck pass and fought the urge to turn around and drive out of the city, abandon my problems, start over somewhere new. But I'd be leaving Verity just when she needed me most. She didn't understand what she was up against.

Blue and red lights greeted me as I turned onto the road adjacent to the archive. Beyond them, an orange glow lit the sky. Even with the windows rolled up, the smell of smoke found its way into the car, burning my nose. My eyes watered.

A quarter of a block up the road and I could drive no further. Emergency vehicles choked the road. It was far enough to see what I needed to, however. I wouldn't be finding anything else out tonight. No more big reveals or crucial documents unearthed.

The warehouse and the archives within it sent their secrets into the night sky in flames and fumes.

By morning, there would be nothing left but smoldering ash.


Author's Note: The warehouse has burned: coincidence that this happened the same day Verity and Alek were there searching for answers or no? 

What do you think of the chemistry between Alek and Verity? Is it wishful thinking on Alek's part or is there something more?

Thanks as always for your support. Anyone who has stuck with the story for this long--you are amazing! Some exciting chapters are coming up next!

 Anyone who has stuck with the story for this long--you are amazing! Some exciting chapters are coming up next!

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