Chapter 19

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"Here we are

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"Here we are." I told her. Im surprised she accepted my offer to breakfast but I wasn't complaining. This was my chance to get to know her better.

"This place? It looks to fancy." I had brought her to chef Lorenzo's restaurant. This place made good food especially breakfast.

"Nothings ever to fancy." Her face held sadness. I wonder why. I was thinking of asking James to check her background but I wanted to respect her privacy because when I look at her she looks sad but displays it with happiness and I want to hear her past from her.

"Cmon let's go I will take you somewhere else." Her face held confusion and I noticed she was tapping her fingers that lay on her waist.

"It's fine." She said but I could tell she didn't want to eat here and I wonder why. I started the car and started driving out of the parking lot and she just looked at me with no emotion on her face but I could tell she was thinking about something.

"Is there any place you would like to eat at?" I told her as I stopped because the light was red.

"Hmm yes!" She seemed very happy about this place that she was thinking about.

"What is the address." I turned to face her and she was so pretty. The wind blowing and her hair moving side to side. She was the prettiest girl i've ever seen.

She grabbed my phone and asked what the password was. Why would she want my phone for. I had the latest phone Iphone 14.

"Why?" I asked her confused.

"So I can put the address on your gps." She said.

"What about your phone?" She obviously has a phone but why wouldn't she use it.

"My phone doesn't have a gps." What kind of phone doesn't have a gps.

"What phone do you have?" She turned her face towards the window but I saw a glance of her face and she looked embarrassed.

"Don't be embarrassed." I told her and she turned to face me and It looked like she wanted to smile. I never really seen her smile only when I seen her at the club she had looked really happy. She placed the phone back down.

We were both making eye contact when the light turned green out of the corner of my eye and I started driving the car and she soon broke eye contact.

"What are you doing! Pay attention to the rode"

"How can I pay attention to the ride when there's this beautiful lady sitting in my passenger seat." Her face turned a bit red and she turned her face the other way. She was cute when she was embarrassed in these type of situations.

1995. I turned to face her and she just gave me a confused look.

"Huh." She said.

"My password." She smiled and grabbed the phone back we're she placed it and typed it in. I could see her in the corner of my eye swiping trying to find the gps app. Once she found it she typed it in and Siri started saying the directions.

I kept driving forward and then took a right. I looked down at the gps and It was five minutes away.

"Can I play music?" Her face showed somewhat happiness.


She turned on the radio and You belong with me by taylor swift started playing and she was singing her lungs out.

She belongs to me.

We arrived at the place and I parked in front of it. This place wasn't the brightest place but If she wanted to eat here we will.

"This place is so good I promise! You will love it." She started opening her car door and I screamed stop.


"Wait there." I said as I got off and ran to the passenger side and I opened her door.

"Really? Im not a princess or anything."

She was my queen.

I put my hand on her lower back as she was leading me into the place. It smelt pretty good in here. We stood in line and I was looking at the menu.

"What are you getting?" She asked me and I was still unsure yet.

"What would you recommend." I told her as I've never been here or seen this place before.

"Omg the pancakes!" She seemed so happy when she talked about this place and the food here.

After the two people in front of us went It was our turn.

"Rose? Is that you." The lady said. She looked like she was in her 40s.

"Hi Margaret!" The lady walked away and came back with an older man.

"Rose?" He stepped out behind the counter and came to hug her.

"How are you? It's been awhile sweetheart was started to get worried about you." The old man said.

"I've been doing just good." She smiled.

"That's good and this is your boyfriend?" The old man asked her and her face turned red as she looked at me.

Before she could reply I replied with yes and she slapped me on the arm and told him we were not a thing.

"Who is he then?" The old man asked her as he looked at me.

"My coworker." She told him but I wasn't her coworker I was her boss.

"Nice to meet you sir." The old man said as he took his hand to shake mine. I shaked his hand and gave him a nod.

"Get anything it's on the house!" He said as he gave Rose one last hug and walked away.

"Two number 4s with blueberries, strawberries, chocolate chips and whip cream and for our appetizer we want parfaits." The lady nodded and we walked away and sat in a booth.

"Who are they?" I asked curious.

"Old friends." She said and I just nodded not wanting to interfere.

Should I only do one persons pov? or both of the persons pov? Lmk and give me your feedback!

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