Chapter 5

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It was him

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It was him. The guy from the coffee shop. It was my fault he spilled his coffee on himself. He had changed though. He was wearing a black dress shirt.

"Good morning Mr. Adams this is Rose she is here for the interview." She said as he looked up from reading whatever he was reading.

He looked at me and smirked. He remembered me.

"Your dismissed." He told her and then she left.

"Come In and take a seat I don't bite." He said. He was finding this funny but I was not. What if this messes up my chances of getting this job.

It also payed really well. They payed $23 the hour and I worked 7am to 4pm. The hours weren't that bad and I could sometimes leave early or miss days whenever.

"Look I'm really sorry I didn't mean for that too happen but I really need this job." He just looked at me. He was having fun with this situation.

"What If I told you , you are not getting this job because you spilled coffee on me." He was getting on my nerves. He was an ass.

"Please It was an accident I didn't mean to." I wanted to cry. This was embarrassing.

"I am just playing take a seat." I did as he told me too. I sat in the right chair.

When I sat down my skirt ripped a bit and was right under my underwear.

Omg how embarrassing I thought. He just started laughing and said I might want to cover up.

I was holding on to the skirt because I had nothing to cover up with.

"Maybe you can show me what's under there another time." He said. He was attracted to me and It was obvious.

"That's a bit unprofessional don't you think." I told him.

"Not when I am the owner of this building." He said. Omg he was the owner.

I had embarrassed myself in front of him.

He then started talking about something else.

"Okay so I checked your resume and you only worked as a maid and had some side jobs like walking dogs etc. They all have good reviews. Your not annoying as the other people I have interviewed so this job is yours."

Omg I got the job! I got the job! I started screaming and jumping of joy.

Maybe I shouldn't have jumped. He saw my under wear. It was lacey red.

He just smirked and moved in his seat.

Omg how embarrassing. I forgot he was here. "I'm sorry." I told him and he just gave me a smile.

"This is an easy job all you have to do is run errands for me like getting me coffee, dropping papers off, printing stuff for me etc. It is very easy and you start Monday 7am."

Omg I was so happy. I couldn't believe I got this job. This was going to help me so much. It payed really well.

"Okay thank you so so much." I kind of forgot how to get out of here.

It's as if he was reading my mind because he said "I will walk you to the elevator."

He got up and I followed behind him and then after two minutes of walking we reached the elevator.

I entered and he pressed the buttons and right when the door was closing he said "Ms. Colleen." and then I said "Mr.Adams"

And then the elevator door closed. Once I reached the bottom I did a little happy dance.

The lady behind the counter saw me. "You got the job?" She asked me. "Yes Yes thank you so much." I told her.

When I got home I sent Eva a message saying I got the job.

When I entered my apartment I started dancing.

"Omg Luna I got the job."

Luna started barking at me. We were jumping together enjoying this moment.

For the rest of the day we just watched movies on my old beat up tv.

I might be slow on updating this story. I have 3 other chapters in my drafts and I've been so busy with school.

Please give me your feedback tho! Somewhat a lot of people are reading this story and I appreciate it.

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