Chapter 16

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I stopped by a gas station to buy a water

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I stopped by a gas station to buy a water. I was really thirsty and forgot mine at home and Im pretty sure Luna was thirsty too.

Some nice gentlemen held the door open for me. He was really good looking.

"Thank you." I said and he just gave me a smile.

He had a really nice smile. I walked towards where they had the drinks and grabbed a water.

There was at least 5 people in line but I didn't mind I wasn't in a rush. Eva said she would come over at 7pm. It would be awhile till it became 7pm.

I was excited too see her and I can't wait till tell her what happened at the park.

The nice man who held my door for me earlier was also in line. He was in front of me and I realized because he turned his head back and he took a quick glance at me.

I was never one to make a move. It was always guys who made a move on me but I always said no I wasn't in the right situation at the time.

Every time I think about the past I always remember my mother. What ever happened to her? I loved her a lot.

"Excuse me." Someone said distracting me of my thoughts.

It was the cashier lady. It was my turn. I walked up to the cashier and what she said surprised me.

"The man paid for your water."  The man ? What man? and then I realized.

"Oh." I said as I gave her a smile and started walking away.

"C'mon Luna" I was practically running out of the store. I couldn't see him anywhere.

I then spotted him putting gas in his car. He had a grey Nissan Altima. It was a nice car.

"Excuse me." I said as I started walking up to him with Luna's leash in my hand and the water bottle in my other hand.

"Yes." I wasn't expecting his voice to sound like that. He had a very beautiful voice.

"I wanted to pay you for the water."

"It's fine."

"I insist."

"Just take it."

I didn't know what else to say. He payed for my water and I wanted to pay him back for it and he wasn't allowing me too.

"Thank you." He nodded and then smiled.

I started walking away and I opened the water bottle and crouched down to give Luna a sip first. I poured it on to my hand and she started licking it but the water would soon disappear.

"Excuse me ma'am." Said a familiar voice. I turned my head to see who it was and it was the man that payed for my water.


"I couldn't help but notice you were struggling and was wondering if you wanted this cup that I had in my car."

It was a plastic cup. Maybe from a coffee store. I nodded and he handed it to me. I was rinsing it out when he said "what is a beautiful lady like you doing here."

Beautiful? He thought I was beautiful.

"I was walking my dog." I said smiling.

"Can I take you out on a date."

A date?

He wanted to take me out on a date? Like actually me? I wasn't sure what to say to him and he was so straightforward.

I liked straightforward men. They knew what they wanted and weren't shy.

"I don't know you." I said while laughing a little.

"That's what dates are for."

"Okay." I said.

He handed me his phone and told me to put my number In it and I did.

"Here." I said while handing him his phone back and his hand brushed against mine. I have never been on a date before.

"I will look forward to seeing you soon." He said and I just smiled and he started walking off.

Once I cleaned out the cup with the water I poured new water into it and put it close to Luna. She started drinking sips of it and as soon as she was done I threw the cup in the trash can near the exit of the gas station.

"Cmon Luna" We started walking home. I was thinking a lot about this guy.

He was really good looking and seemed really nice but then my mind wandered off to Mr.Adams.

All of New York new about him but me until I started working for him. He was really rich and a player. Everybody wanted him.

I never had a boyfriend and this guy. This guy. I didn't even get his name. Omg how dumb of me but maybe It would be good to get to know him and possibly have a boyfriend.

I was waiting at the crosswalk with Luna when some guy came up behind me and Luna started barking.

"Excuse me your to close." I told him.

He saw that Luna was really defensive about me and he started walking away but he was still looking. The little white man on the screen appeared and I started walking faster as Luna was still barking.

"Hurry Luna." When he was out of eye reach she stopped barking. We were almost home.

When I got home my neighbor Becca greeted me.

"Hi Rose! Next week my sister is throwing a party and I'm inviting you."

"Okay I will be there." I told her. I didn't really have friends besides Eva and I was always with her.

I entered my apartment and took off Luna's leash and she started running around.

"Luna we were just at the park!" She was very very energetic but I didn't mind.

I grabbed some strawberries out of the fridge and got a cutting board from the cabinet.

I grabbed a knife from the drawer and started cutting the strawberries in little pieces and then I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet to put the strawberries in.

I walked to the balcony and sat watching the view while eating my strawberries.

Luna came and jumped on my lap.

After thirty minutes my phone rang.

"Mystery girl?"

It was him. The guy from the gas station.

"Yes mystery guy?" I said.

"I never got your name."

"My name is Rose and yours?"


"Never expected you to be an Ethan."

I thought his name probably would've been Andrew or James.

"You match your name perfectly."

"Thank you."

I waited for 20 minutes for a reply but I never got one.

Eva would be here in 10 minutes. She texted me saying she was running a bit late. I was still waiting for Ethan to text me back.

It must have been awhile that I was staring at my phone cause Eva walked through the front door.

Longer chapter! What do you guys think?? please give your feedback

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