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The lady came out of the car and started walking towards the Lab. The others observed at her from a distance. She entered the lab wearing her suit for protection and disinfection. The others followed her soundlessly.

They didn’t go inside the lab but remained outside and watched inside the lab as there was a glass window.

They saw the lady greeting everyone. She seems like their head. May be she had the control of that lab. They were not able to hear what the lady and the other scientists were speaking but thy still focused.

In the Lab*

“Good morning Dr. Yeng, we have more information regarding the research. Please take a look” Said a scientist.

The Lady, Dr. Yeng followed him and started looking at the info. She was much focused and was instructing the others about the next step of their research. “Zab, have done the task that I have asked you to do? Have you prepared a sample for the antidote” asked Yeng.

“Yeah I am almost done. Just need a little help from Dad about the parasite” replied Zab

it fast, we don’t have much time” saying that Yeng again continued with her work. For half an hour there was nothing special happening. All were very busy in their works and researches. There was complete silence until an old man entered.

“Good morning my smart daughter and all hardworking people of my lab” Said the old man.

“I am here too dad….working my butt off for the antidote and also I need your help” said Zab. “Yeah sure son” said the old man with a giggle.

“Tell me what you need?”asked the old man. Zab started explain the whole thing and the point that he couldn’t understand. After he was done explaining the old man remained silent thinking for the solution of the problem.

He was focused in thinking when a familiar figure entered the Laboratory and spoke…. ”You just have to put the X parasite with some other weak virus of the Blodox virus”

The others turned around and the old man was very impressed as that’s what he needed. “Good morning Dr. Jeken” said the familiar looking man.

“So good to see you again my future son-in-law….You have the brain of your father. Your father and I were best friends and I knew his son will be just like him.”

From be hide Yeng back hugged the guy. “After all he is my fiancé Dad. He had to be as perfect as me. Right ‘Edward’?” said Yeng.

Outside the back*

The others were watching everything. But the entry of Mark shocked everyone. Moon still didn’t have any emotion on her face. She just stared at them with a blank face….But the movement Yeng hugged Mark…THAT WAS IT…..

Moon stormed inside the lab without thinking about the consequence……

“Mark? Who is that? Oh so you the high school girl……..”

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