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- Modern (?)

-(Oc) had met (Love interest 2) during college; the two had different majors but would still see each-other all the time nonetheless. They shared a dorm, and almost immediately connected, becoming best friends.

-The two would hang out every day, whenever they could. The two started going out on dates, and after awhile they officially got together. It was perfect, at first, actually, it really was.

-But that was until their loving relationship during the rest of college was fighting, breaking up, and getting back together. The mistake they made was staying together even after college, and (Love interest 2) even proposed to (Oc), and (Oc) accepted.

-Their relationship still consisted with non-stop fighting, and the spark they once had was almost gone, and (Oc) felt as if it wasn't worth saving, but (Love interest 2) was determined to keep going and to keep trying, so they never really separated.

-Though, one summer (Oc) had to travel the states to visit family or for work, and ended up meeting (Love interest) at a park with nobody else there, and they started to talk.

-It was definitely rushed, but the two almost immediately felt a spark between the two of them, and they never did anything sexual, making out at the very most, but in all the relationship was something (Oc) has never experienced.

-It wasn't even like how (Oc) and (Love interest 2) were at first; it was so much more, especially for almost just meeting. That summer relationship was the best experience (Oc) had ever had, until (Oc) broke it off because of long distance and moved back to their Fiancé.

- (Oc) and (Love interest 2) were finally getting married, and apparently, (Love interest) was friends with (Love interest 2), because they came out there for the wedding.

-They knew that because one day, a knock had been heard at the door, and (Love interest) was standing there when (Oc) opened it.


Make it up!!

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