A Fighter's Love - Chapter 6

Start from the beginning

“Chill out, Zachariah. We have a couple more minutes,” said the girl who was driving.

“Can we stop by McDonald’s? I’m hungry as hell,” said the man in the passenger seat.

“Yeah, sure. And then you can explain why we have a blindfolded girl in the back of our van, dumbass,” snapped the driver. Why were these people acting like they were five-year-olds? Maybe they were amateurs at this kind of stuff.

I could sneak away easily if they were really as stupid as they sounded. But they could also really hurt me if I tried to try something that they didn’t want.

Fucking hell.

Why did this have to happen to me?

Couldn’t they have picked someone else who happened to be walking at night?

All I could think about was my poor mom and what she would be going through when she came home from work and found her daughter missing. Now she would really be all alone.

Oh God.

The loneliness would probably kill her. She didn’t deserve that. I just wanted to find her and curl up onto her lap while she stroked my hair and sang lullabies into my ear just like when I was a little girl. I know the only thing she knew how to do was yell at me but I still loved her so much it hurt even though I never showed it. Every single happy memory I had with my mother came exploding into my mind like fireworks and before I even realized it, tears were gathering again and soaking up the blindfold.

I whipped my body up and down, left to right, any direction I could go and stomped my feet as loudly as I could. What little noise I could make released through the tape. The man next to me put his arm on my shoulder trying to control me but I screamed even louder and bumped his hand away.

The girl intervened and pulled my hair tightly, painfully tilting my head upwards and making my eyes water again. In a vision of hot rage, I shifted my shoulder and slammed it into hers. My body vibrated from head to toe as the pain resonated.

She gave a yell of surprise and pain and shouted to the man next to me. “Do something! She’s going out of control!”

A felt a small prick in my arm and then one by one, a trickle of sleepiness wound its way into my mind.

The piece of shit had drugged me.

My breathing slowed, my fingertips tingled, and my head felt like it was suddenly way to heavy for my body.

“I’m going…to…fu…fucking…kill…you…” were the last words out of my mouth.


“Why isn’t she waking up? Dipshit, did you give her too much?” An angelic voice floated through my head.

“No. I gave her what we usually give them.”

“Well, she’s clearly not waking up.” The angel’s voice was irritated now. Mad, even.

There was the sound of a door opening and a new voice joined in. “Guys, what’s taking so long? Boss is getting pissed. He wants to meet her. Badly.”

“Camille isn’t waking up because Dumbass over here gave her too much sedative.”

“I did not!”

I couldn’t take it anymore. Gently, carefully, I moved my lips and took a shaky breath. My eyelids flickered open as I got used to the intense, white light and I was relieved when I noticed that I wasn’t wearing the blindfold.

“Look! She’s waking up! Fuck yeah!” The angel’s voice was ecstatic now. But as my eyes adjusted to the faces around me, I realized that she wasn’t an angel. She was just an extremely pretty girl around my age with a small, button nose and lashes that literally reached her eyebrows. I didn’t have time to register the appearances of the rest of the people around me but I noticed that we were no longer in the car. I was lying on a large, u-shaped leather sofa in a blindingly white room without a window in sight.

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