When she was done, she sat down on the bench opposite me, back stiff while she flicked sawdust off her skirt (we made our cuts for the planks in here; the floor was littered with cut off pieces and sawdust.) "Can you let me know when the prince is done? I'm going to stay in here so the sun won't ruin my skin before our walk."

I snorted. "I told you, I don't know when he'll be done--it could be hours."

I watched her eye twitch at the thought of being cooped up in a dusty shed for hours while she awaited her prince. Was it really worth it?

"That's fine. I don't mind."

Shit, apparently it was. Was the sex that good? What else could they be doing when they disappeared? Camden had already made it clear he didn't like talking to her, and she definitely didn't spar. What other option was there?

Before I could think of something else to spur her away, the shed door opened and Camden walked in, shirt wrapped around his waist. His body was glistening with sweat, beads rolling down his chest and the valleys of his washboard abs. He smiled at me, brushing his damp hair out of his eyes; it looked dirty blonde, his hair was so wet. "Good news: Spence and Kain said they can finish up the pen by themselves. We have the afternoon to ourselves. Honestly, though, I think Kain wants to get rid of me, I'm making him feel bad for not having a sexy body like mine." He winked at me. "I know you can't spar yet, but can you fly? I'd love to get off the ground for a bit."

Before I could open my mouth to tell him the plans I had in store for him, Cadence shoved me aside in her rush to stand by him and slip her hand into his. "I was actually hoping we could go for a walk, Prince. Just you and me." She held his gaze under her seductive lashes.

Great. At this rate he's going to be stuck here forever. He'll marry Cadence and never have any time to find his dragon partner.

Camden tiptoed around her and came to my side. "I'm going to spend the afternoon with Kali. We have a lot to catch up on. Is she okay to fly?"

She crossed her arms and glared at me. "No, she can't fly. She's not strong enough."

Camden looked down at me, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Well, I'll just fly with you, then. I can hold both of us."

Cadence looked like she wanted to protest, but Camden was already heading out the shed, decided. I caught up to him, leaving Cadence to gape in the shed. We walked down Main Street, following it through the middle of town. Vendors and shops were finally reopening and calling out to us to buy their latest products.

"I thought you might have wanted to go for a walk with her," I confessed once we passed the busier part of town, surprising myself at how unsure I sounded.

He laughed, an unattractive, curt noise at the back of his throat. "Why? So she can feel me up and try to take my clothes off the entire time? No thank you."

"Well, you're already halfway there," I teased, finding my confidence again.

He peered down at his naked torso and shrugged. A few women we passed by took notice and giggled to each other. It wasn't unusual for men to walk through town with a bare chest, but none of them were quite as striking as Camden's. I tried not to think about it or stare like everyone else.

He grinned at the giggling ladies. "If my mother found out I strutted down town without a shirt, she'd have my head," he laughed.


"Oh yeah. It's not all fun being a prince, you know. We have so many rules to follow. I can't wait to get my own dragon. I can fly around and be free to do what I want in the sky."

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