the end?(20)

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"Alright then its settled were going to the bosses office and getting his help!" Albert grinned.

Kaden did a small clap but quietly so jandel couldnt hear them.

"Remember to stick close tho." Laugh said as he stood up. Kaden and albert nodded and they both stood up beside him.

"But where is the office at?" Kaden asked.

"Its in the walls." Albert remembered.

"Secret entrance?" Laugh asked.

Albert nodded remembering the events when they snuck into the HQ of Ikea. Could jandels dad really help them?

Albert guided them along the walls of the IKEA looking for any sign of the secret entrance. It was very dark since jandel cut off the power. How could albert foolishly like someone so evil? Albert now wanted to go back home. To his dog. To anything not related to this monster IKEA.

Albert then felt one of the walls sink deeper into the side. Was this the door? He pressed harder agasint it and he heard a click and it opened.

"Your amazing albert!" Kaden whispered and followed albert in with laugh trailing behind them and shutting the secret entrance softly.

"Where to?" Laugh asked

"His office has to be somewhere.." Albert mumbled mostly to himself.

They walked down the halls. Some saying many other types of stores. But one of these locations caught alberts eye.


"Hey guys..." Albert pointed at the Minecraft enclosure.

Kaden looked at to where albert was pointing,"Hey didnt grian own that? After his..."

"Yeah." Albert shook his head. They werent here for minecraft they were here for jandels dad. His dad could fix jandel right? By erasing his memories? He did it before, he could do it again.

"Over here!" Laugh walked up a staircase which had a wooden door at the end. A sign read,"Boss." Must be it he thought. He saw the two behind him and braced to open the door. He slowly turned the knob and saw papers flung everywhere. Bookshelves on the ground. Blood splattered on the ground. Fur here and there. It was a crime scene.

" Took you long enough "

"J-jandel?" Laugh stuttered out.

A chair spun around revealing jandel holding a monkeys head with a shocked expression.

"Laugh, Albert and kaden."

"Look guys this can all end you know?"

"Your serious?" Albert asked happily.

Jandel nodded and walked close to Albert leaning close to his face.

"Just kiss me and itll all go away Albert."

Kaden and Laugh looked at each other in confusion.

Would Albert really kiss this psychopath? Yes he would.

"If its to save everyone then Ill do it."

Jandel grinned and leaned closer to Albert and they kissed.


Jandel In Control Next chapter soon.

jandels in control (a flamingo/albert friend group story)Where stories live. Discover now