His final words and comfort

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***Tempirst pov***

"I know you have admin powers."

"What did you say?" Jandel turned and looked at me.

  "So you do!"

"How did you find out?"

"I seen you pick up that note!"

"You werent supposed to see that..."

Jandel started walking towards me slowly and somehow he grew!?!?

  "Stay away you monkey!!" Surely someone must've heard me???

"Tempirst i cant have you spreading "lies" i must get rid of you." He grinned his sharp teeth at me.


He got on all fours and lounged at me like a cat. I quickly rolled to the side and he crashed into a table. "Make this easy for me could you?" I shook my head and he got mad and came at me again. "HELP!" I shouted. A shiny glimmer caught the side of my eye. A knife!
         I ran to the side before jandel could catch me again. I grabbed the knife and threw it at jandel. .....he caught it!!! Jandel held the knife menacingly and ran towards me.
   He jumped and i was prepared to roll to the side but before i did i felt a sharp pain in my leg.

      "Got you."

I screamed in agony. Jandels hands suddenly turned into claws and he made a small scratch on my face.

  "J-jandel p-please! I wont tell anyone!!"

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

  "J-jandel p-please! I wont tell anyone!!"

"NO you rat!" He stabbed my leg again but deeper. I whimper but tried holding in my pain.

  "Jandel this isn't you!"

"THIS IS ME!" He snarled at me,"Ill rip you apart limb by limb. Tear your stomach open and paint the ground with your blood."

  While he was talking i pulled the knife out. Which hurt like heck! And stabbed his hand. "ARGGG! You pest!!" He grabbed me with his tail and threw me on the ground.


The sound of a stick cracking. Temprist's life flashed before his eyes as he knew this was the end. His spine cracked.  All that was left of Temprist was the horror on his face and his cracked bloody body. By this time jandel was returned to normal and realized what he did. He didnt do this did he?

  "Jandel....?" A voice called out. It was a voice he hasent heard since they last fought.

   "Grian?" Jandel turned and looked at his friend . "Grian..." Jandel called out. Tears started forming in Jandels eye as he realized he had killed on of his friends. "I didnt.....I DIDNT MEAN TO!" His voice sounded like he was in pain. Grian slowly walked towards jandel and grabbed his hand. "Its okay." Grian pulled out the knife that temp stabbed in jandels hand. He tossed the knife in a bag and quickly cleaned Jandels wounds and bandage them.

   "Thank you..." He sadly and looked at his hand.

  Grian hugged him. "Thank god your alive!" Then he smacked him,"But please be careful next time! You couldve lost control....like...dream."

  Jandel looked at Grian with fear. "I lost control!?"

" It must've been your admin powers.."

"B-but how????"

"Boss must've gave you to much and planned this."

  "DAMN IT!"

"I may be harsh on you jandel....but just know i care. And figure out a way to explain....him." Grian pointed at temps body.

  "I know and I will."

"Alright I have to report to boss. Catch you later?"


Grian gave jandel one quick hug. And opened his wings. ((Uhhh quick note grians wings are fully grown!))) He took off flying with his multicolored wings and left no trial of him behing here.

   Jandel on the other hand...had to make an excuse for tempirst's body.

After they buried temps body

Jandel sat on the couch with Albert and Kaden. He thought about what he did. He noticed Albert look at him then looked at everyone else since they were talking. Quick summary were building a wall. ((Jandel breaking the fourth wall lol))

Jandel wasent in the best mood. He looked towards albert and kaden. Kaden fell asleep on Albert...denis came by and asked if albert wanted him to get Kaden. Albert replied no and that it was fine. Denis smiled and walked away. " stupid albert."  Denis mumbled but albert didnt hear since he had fallen asleep with kaden still on him. That couldve.....stop jandel! Work comes first!

   Since jandel didnt want to be a third wheel he went to another couch and sat there with his tail curled around him. He hadent noticed another presence sit next to him. It was denis

   "You didnt wanna feel like a third wheel huh?"

   "No i didnt." Because i cant let people distract me from my goal.

  "Have your eyes on Albert?"

Ugh not this again, I looked away from Denis and looked at a table to my right. "I dont have eyes for anyone."

"Alright alright!" He chuckled.

The silence was very akward.

"What did you want?"

"Nothing really."

  Jandel yawned. He never really yawned. As he never sleeps since his dad would usally smack him awake. But his dad wasent around now huh? He looked at Albert and Kaden once more sleeping soundly. Little snores came from them. Jandel looked back at Denis who's hand were clenched in a fist as he stared at the 2 sleeping. Jandel was like a robot he didnt know what this so called affection was besides hugging. But hugging was more like comforting. Did Denis need comforting? He seemed to be really mad. Hes jealous ! Jandel smiled to himself as he figured out what was wrong with Denis.
       He just needs a hug!

  Jandel gave Denis a hug. He wrapped his arms around denis's neck. Denis seemed ataken back but quickly hugged back. "T-thanks. This feels nice."

    Jandel yawned once more. "Tired?" Denis asked him,"Yeah..." Jandel hasent slept since a couple days ago. Crying really took a lot out of him.  "Its fine you can sleep on me." Jandel nodded and let go of Denis. They both layer on the couch. Jandel looked like a cat as he curled up on Denis side. Keep in mind that Denis hadn't let go of jandel. He didnt mind tho. Jandel let sleep take him over and slowly did Denis. Pretty much everyone was asleep besides Laughablity and polar as they were just shipping everyone in the corner.

((O my gosh guys team Denis x jandel or team albert x jandel??? ALSO MY FIRST CHAPPTER OVER 1000+ WORDS AAA happy fathers day to mee ANDDD


jandels in control (a flamingo/albert friend group story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora