still night

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***alberts pov***
Alberts dream

   It was night i fell and hit the ground. "Ow" i looked around and seen everything so alive....full of life. So many dressed up people. Bunny people waving at me. I got up and crossed the bridge. "WeLcOmE hOmE" a voice said. I turned and saw a sun man. His sun head covered most of his body. He charged at me and i fell off the bridge...

    "AAAAAAAAAAH!" I gasped for air as i held my heart. What just happend!! I looked around. I seen jandel laugh and kaden. Jandel was asleep while the others were awake eatting chips by a lamp. I sat up and yawned. Clearly i didnt sleep to good. I got up and walked towards them.

       "Hey guys!" I stuck my hand in the bag grabbing a chip and eatting it.

     "Hey sleeping beauty! Sleep well?" Laughabilty asked.

     I shook my head,"Not really." I looked over at jandel,"I bet he is tho!"

    Kaden chuckled,"Hes been sleeping for a while!"

    "Om nom om." These chips were good!

    "I kinda just wanna leave him here" laugh said sudden.


  "Dont you think its weird? How he leaves randomly?" Laugh eyed him.

  "I thought he just had to take a big poop!" Kaden said.

"For 2 hours?"



"What was that!"

   I grabbed the lamp and swung it towards the noise was. Kaden was behind me and laugh held up his fist.

        "W-WHOs THERE!" I shouted

  Just then a yellow man came out and i threw the lamp to the side and ran up to him. "TEMPRIST!!!!!!"

     "Albert! Laugh! Kaden! You gotta help me save the others!"

   "Where are they?" Laugh put his hand on temps shoulder.

     "There over by some big gray shelves! Held by the people that roam during the day!"

      " What about jandel!" I looked at the sleeping monkey. His tail curled around him like a cat.

  Temprist glared at jandel then turned around, "Leave him."


      "Were here"

  The gray shelves loomed over the group of 4. It was quite open. But closed at the same time? There was boxes stacked on the side to go up to the second layer. And more boxes just everywhere some were open and had nothing.

   "So uhm where are they buster?"

Temprist pointed up. Cages where up hanging from the ceiling. Along with the signs that said furniture and kitchen. 

"We have to climb to the third shelf."

"And what do we do once we get there?" I asked.

He sighed and looked at everyone,"Someones gonna have to jump onto the cages and swing them till they fall."

  "What if we get hurt!" Kaden exclaimed.

"Look lets just get up there and will talk about it!"

I looked at kaden and he looked at me temp is gonna choose one of us. I looked at Laughabilty he seemed like he knew he wasent gonna get chosen. Jandel could probably do if he was here! Hes a monkey afterall!

We all started walking towards the weird staircase to get to the second floor. It was hard to know where to step. Since its still fricking dark!! I dont get how kaden can see better since hes wearing an eyeball mask!

   We finally got to the second floor.

"Uhm wheres the steps to get to the third floor?" Laugh asked.

"There's a hole you have to climb through. Ill give you guys my hands to step on"

I nodded

----- Time skip they found the hole------


Temprist connected his fingers/hands together and gave us a boost to get through the hole. Kaden went first it went smoothly and stuck his out hand out for the next person. Laugh went next and now it was mine turn. I took a deep breathe and stepped on temps hand and reached for kadens hands. Temprist pushed me higher and i grabbed on the edges of the hole and got through.
             I held out my hand for temp and pulled him up.

  "Tempirst your okay!" A voice was heard from the cages.

    One of the nearest cages was carrying jake!

  "Yeah im okay! Were gonna get you guys out now tho!"


Temp looked at us, " any mini miny moe-"

  "Ugh ill just go!" Kaden scoffed

Kaden your my hero

" Alright just jump on the cages!"

  "Kaden are you sure? I can go instead!" I volunteer

  He shook his head. ( or well shook his eye). "Ill be....okay." He smiled then looked at the cages,"All i have to do is jump and swing....till it falls."

   He sighed and walked towards where jakes cage was. He took a few steps back. I couldn't watch but i peeked from behind my fingers. Kaden ran and leaped towards the cage. He looked like a cat .

He clung onto the edge of the cage. Jake was holding his hand and tried pulling him up.

  "Jake just let go! I can hold onto the bars!"

   "But what if you fall! That's at least 50 feet down!"


The 2 ended up bickering for a bit till Jake decide to let go. Kaden thanked him and hung onto the bars and started swinging back and forth.

  " Im so scare for them" I mumbled.

The cage started creaking. "Is that a good sign!" Kaden shouted

   Temprist slowly nodded," Yeah! Jake why dont you jump? It should help!"

Jake nodded and stood up, he lost his balanced a bit but gained it back. He jumped.




"KADEN! JAKE!" I screeched.

jandels in control (a flamingo/albert friend group story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin