How he shows affection- Preferences

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He doesn't like physical contact, but for you, he'll make the exception. If you're in public, he'll hold your hand. However, when you're alone, he'll gingerly wrap his arms around you and pull you to his chest, while you take in his scent and warmth. You respond by wrapping your arms around his waist, not wanting to let go. He then proceeds to kiss the top of your head and places his chin on top of it.


John will not hesitate to hug you in public and give you quick pecks on the cheeks or lips. However, when you're alone, he'll kiss you until you're both gasping for air and he'll lie with you on the couch.


He gets pretty nervous about giving PDA, but he'll kiss your cheek occasionally, leading to the taunting of his colleagues, much to his dismay. But when you're alone, he'll cuddle up next to you and pepper you with kisses, sometimes leading to intense make-out sessions.


Like his younger brother, (naturally), he's resistant to physical contact. In public, he'll display affection with how he looks at you. He doesn't say it, but he thinks you're the most wonderful person to have crossed his path, and refuses to let you go, now that he's found you. In private, however, he'll sit with you on the couch and pull you close to him while you place your head on his shoulder. He'll whisper sweet nothings into your ear until you fall asleep.


This man, afraid of PDA? Please, you must be joking. He'll kiss you in front of everyone, making more than a few people uncomfortable, but he doesn't really care. He found the one person that truly matters to him. In private, however, he'll tickle you and chase you around the flat until he pins you down and starts attacking you with kisses.


A/N: Hey there! So, this was my first preferences upload. Let me know what you think and feel free to request other preferences! As for the 'How you met' preference, I'll skip it because the first one shot of each character will be the way you met. (I know the profession in the first and second Sherlock one shots are different, but let's just say, you switch careers and you studied for nursing as a backup plan. 😅) Anyways, hope you like it! Remember, I don't do smut, so please, no smut requests. 🙏🏻

Lots of love,
Gracie 🤍

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