Fourty-Three || Green Day Is Kickass

Start from the beginning

"Stan, no-"

     "You're too stubborn for your own good." Stan put the bill in her hand, "Really. Thank you, Jacy. You're the only one I trust with her."

     "Well, I'm here if you shred her too hard again." Jacy reluctantly kept the twenty, "Have a good rest of the day."

     "You too, sweetheart." Stan waved lightly, nodding as he headed out the door of the shop.

     "You are something else, J," Allison mused, starting to rifle through records until she came across a Grouplove vinyl. She only laughed, putting the white record on the store turntable.

     The afternoon crowd fluttered through, clearing the store of a few records, a mini amp and a blue electric guitar. Drifting into early evening and nearly at six, it'd gone back down to an empty store. To go with, Allison had left too.

     Jacy picked up her package for Stiles and put her bag over her shoulder. With shop keys in hand and her car started outside, she came around from the back of the counter.

     When the bell overhead dinged, a blond about Jacy's age was pocketing his car keys as a slightly concerned expression crossed his face. "Oh, sorry, around you about to close?"

     "Yeah, but you can get what you need. I can stay open for a little longer." Jacy kindly smiled, setting her box on the counter.

     "Thanks, I'll be quick."

     "It's not problem." Jacy put her bag on the ground, giving up on her plan to come back in and put the guitar away. Instead, she went ahead and brought the glass case for the priceless electric to the display rack. "I don't live far, it's not a big deal."

     "I didn't mean to come so late. I forgot you guys closed early on Fridays." He apologized again, glancing over to Jacy as he flicked through vinyls.

     "Yeah, it's only because Darren doesn't come in and I live over in Beacon Hills." She twisted the lock on the guitar case, standing up from her crouched position.

     "Really? I live there too."

     "Do you go to school there? I've never seen you before."

     "I go to Devenford Prep, actually. My mom's got the complex about needing to send her kids to private school." He picked up a Green Day Dookie vinyl, flipping it over. "But she refuses to leave Beacon Hills."

     Jacy nodded, lightly laughing as she took her post behind the register when he made his way up to pay. "Do you know a kid named Liam Dunbar?"

     He hesitated before nodding, "Yeah. Freshman. He left. Goes to your school now."

     "Yeah, his dad works with my mom. I was just curious if you knew him." Jacy rang up the album. "Good choice, by the way. Green Day is kickass."

     "That is very true," he saw the name on the package, "Jacy." He handed over a twenty. "I'm Sean by the way. Thanks for keeping the place open a little longer."

     "No problem." Jacy handed back the cash and slid over the album. "Have a good night, Sean."

     Sean nodded, getting out his car keys. "You too."

     Jacy closed up the register again, grabbing her box then picking up her bag. She walked across the small store and flipped over the open sign to close. She flicked off the lights and left, shutting the door behind her. Locking the door of the building, she switched out keys and got the ones for her own car.

     Jacy sighed as she closed herself into the Honda, the sun already sinking below the horizon. She set the package in the passenger seat along with her bag, starting the ignition and putting on her seatbelt. She ruffled her hair absently, putting on music before driving away from work.

     She couldn't help but think how Sean didn't smell quite human.

     Boredly pushing the pedals and steering the wheel, Jacy reach Beacon Hills again. She checked the time on her dashboard, knowing she wouldn't have time to go home before she needed to get to Jordan's.

     She took a different corner than she normally would have and instead went towards the apartment building that the Argents used to live in.

     Jacy parked her car, climbing out with her bag. Dropping the keys into it, she brushed her hair from her eyes and went into the complex. She was recognized by the front desk manager and was waved through.

     "Evenin' Miss Parrish. Go on up."

     "Thank Mr. Franklin," Jacy replied with a kind tone, reaching the elevator. She pressed a button for a higher floor, getting in once the doors opened up to her.

     An estranged look crossed her face, impulsively sniffing. Something was definitely off. There'd been other wolves in here. She eased when she remembered that the alphas used to live here, and that Scott had been to the Argent's.

     Jacy was too paranoid, and she knew it.

     The elevator halted, dinging before the doors slid open to reveal the correct floor.

     Jordan surfaced within a minute, smiling as he moved over to let her in. "Ready to tell me to stop helping you and sit down?"

     Jacy grinned, setting her bag on the sofa. "I'll let you drain the noodles." She walked in front, noting how fast her brother's heart was beating. "If you can handle it."

     "What do I get to do?"

     Jacy stopped in the doorway, her jaw clenching.

     "Hi, sweetheart." Adorned with a bandage across his nose, Senator Parrish sat at the dinner table.

     "Oh, you have got to be kidding me."

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