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(Before I begin this chapter I would like to say this will be just lore. I'm not going to have it match up to the lore of the Dsmp. I just was having fun writing this.)

Running through the forest away from wolves that I have. I have my axe griped in my hand. My other hand holding the backpack that I have on my back to make sure it doesn't fall.

I see an opening in the forest that leads onto a path. I see multiple people walking so I run out of the forest and get onto the path.

Someone saw me and shot an arrow at me think I'm a threat. The arrow that got shot made everyone look at me.

"WHO ARE YOU?" A fox person asked.

"Pl-please help me." I say clutching .y hrm that holds the axe but also has a arrow in it.

"AND WHY SHOULD WE?" A female asked, but at that point I was about to fall onto my knees nearly unable to hear people due to my arm hurting.

I rip my bag off of my bag and take the medical stuff out.

I yank the arrow out of my arm and drop y axe. I grab the alcohol free wipe and dab my wound to clean it. Then I grab the bandages and rap it around my arm tightly then tying it into a little bit tight now to keep the blood in.

I put all my stuff back in my bag and but it back on my back. I grab my axe and stand back up only to see people looking at me with wide eyes.

"Umm what's wrong?" I ask.

"What's wrong? WHAT'S WRONG? HOW THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DO THAT THAT FAST?" A rather tall person asked. He had brown eyes with fluffy brown hair and a beanie.

"I just healed my wound? I've been doing that for how long now? 5-6 years? I don't know." I say.

"Ok... But why are you here?" He asked.

"Well it started a long time ago. My village burned down and me and my brother ran away. We are twins about 5 minutes apart but look nothing alike. He has dirty blonde hair while I have h/c (hair color) hair. He has blue eyes while I have e/c (eye color) colored eyes. He's 6'3 while I'm y/h." (your height) I say.

Everyone looked at me dumbfounded.

"What's wrong?" I ask getting scared.

"What's his name?" They all ask.

"Tommy? Tommyinnit." I say and they all look at me.

"We know him." The tall fluffy hair guy says.

"You do!" I say happily. "Can you take me to him?" I ask.

"Yea here follow me." He says.

"Ok but before I do that can I get your name?" I ask.

"Wilbur, but you can call me Wil." He answers.

"Ok thanks." I say.

On our way to find Tommy we just walked in silence.

We came up upon someone with their back to us. He was in the same uniform as Wil.

"Child." Wil says.

"WIL HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES-" He yells as he turns around angry but then stops when he sees me.

"Tommy?" I ask in a quiet voice.

"Y/n?" He ask as his eyes start to get watery.

"Tommy I missed you!"  I say bringing him into a tight hug while crying. Tommy hugs me back tightly while crying, too.

"Y/n where have you been?" Tommy asks pulling away from the hug.

"Trying to find you asshat." I reply chuckling.

"Wait so your saying you have been trying to find me for 3 fucking year?" He asked.

"Yes I have, and who thought you to fucking swear?" I ask.

"Ummm. The people here..." He said trailing off.

I slowly look over at will and pick up my axe.

"Wilbur. I may be fucking smaller than you, but I have been out in the wild for 4 fucking years. I know how to fucking sprint and kill you in just one hit. I know how to heal myself in 5 minutes." I say in a threatening tone getting ready to run. "I'll give you three seconds to run."

"Wait we can talk about this." He tries to say.


"Wait y/n you don't have to do this." He says.



"3" I say in almost a whisper.

I start running with my hands behind my back one hand holding my axe the other holding nothing.

I chased him to where the others were. When we got there I was pretty much right behind him. I pounce on him pinning him down.

"What made you think you could teach him those words?" I question threateningly.

"Woah woah woah. What's happening here?" The fox guy asked.

"Your little friend here tonight my brother swear words." I say looking up.

"You mean our president?" He asked.

"Wait Wilbur is president?" I ask.

"Yea?" He says.

"Wait Wilbur what's your last name?" I ask.

"Soot." Wil answers.

"Wait. WIL!?" I yell.

"Heyyy Y/n..." He says trailing off.

"How fucking dare you!" I say getting off of him  "first you leave and now you decide not to tell me it's you and you became a damn president. How fucking dare you." I say slapping him in the back of his head.

"I know I know. I'm sorry..." He says.

"Wait wil since your here dose that mean you brought Fundy with you!?" I question.

"Yes." He answers finally.

"Well where is he! I'm trying to see my little fur ball!" I say.

"He is standing in front of you idiot." Wil says.

"Wait you mean that guy right there is the little fur ball?" I ask.

"For the millionth time Y/n YESS." He says dragging out the s.

"FUNDY!" I yell bringing him into a hug.

"Umm am I missing something?" FUNDY asked.

I gasp. "WILBUR FUCKING SOOT HAVE YOU NOT TOLD HIM ABOUT ME" I yell pulling out of the hug that he didn't return.

"Wellllll" Wil says dragging out the l.

"Wil you did not." I say. "How fucking dare you. Have you upgraded your PvP at all?" I ask.

"Not really." He answered.

"Wil I'm fucking s.aller than you yet you still can't beat me? I'm disappointed." I say sighing.

Word count: 1075
A/n: ayeee two chapters in one day? I must be bored. Any way have a good day or night depending where you are remember to drink water and eat food. Also follow my sister. DigDigDag

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