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~~Y/n's POV~~
After me and Tommy got off the stream with Tubbo I herd a ding come from one of our phones.

I looked at Tommy who was looking at his phone. Once he looked up at me he nodded his head no as in it wasn't his phone so I looked at mine.

When I looked at mine I saw a text so I opened it. And have a horrified look at Tommy.

"Hey, who texted you?" Tommy asked while looking slightly worried. As I turned my phone towards him he looked even more worried.


Was flashed on the screen. I just stared at my screen constantly rereading the text she sent.





Soon Tommy realizes how long I have been staring at the texts and take my phone. Once he reads the texts his eyes widen.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOUR MOTHER!?" He questions while yelling. I stay silent as I back up to the wall and slide down it. As everything went to a blur my breathing became uneven.

~~Tommy's POV~~
As I watch Y/n back up to my wall and slide  down it I noticed her breathing become uneven. Then I realize she was having a panic attack.

I rush over with her to feel her shaking. I didn't know what to do so I ended up calling Tubbo.

"TUBBO, I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!' I yell before he could even say hi.

"Tommy what's wrong?" Tubbo asked with slight worry in is tone.


"Shit." He cursed under his breath. "Tommy hand the phone to her or hold it in front of her." He instructed me.

I did what he said and put the phone right in front of her.

~~Y/n's POV~~
As I was having my panic attack I saw Tommy put something in front of my face but my vision was to blurry to tell what it was.

Then I herd Tubbo:s voice trying to talk to me.

"Y/n count to 10 with me." He said gently to me.

"1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10." He counted slowly. As I copied him

"1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10." I copied slowly getting my breath back. Then my vision started coming back and I saw Tommy's arms rapped around me and saw Tubbo on facetime in front of me.

I let out a shakey breath and hugged Tommy back. After around 5 minutes we pulled out of our embrace.

"I'm gonna go get changed in the bathroom." I stated as a I grabbed my bag while Tommy just nodded while thanking Tubbo and hanging up the facetime.

I got to the bathroom and pulled out my small blade. As I rolled up my sleeves I started pushing the blade into my skin while a little blood started came out.

As I cut around 15 times on each arm I started to clean myself up.

Once I had my bandages rapped around my arms I got into my PJs.

The fit(Sorry if you don't like it just imagine something else then)

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The fit
(Sorry if you don't like it just imagine something else then)

Once I walk out of the bathroom I walk back to Tommy's room and flop down on the bed. I looked over to see Tommy editing.

"How are you feeling?" Tommy asked while turning to me.

"Much better." I replied. "Thanks for earlier. And like calling Tubbo and stuff." I thanked him.

"No problem. But I do have a question. He stated.

"Shoot." I replied

"Have you ever tried to stand your ground to your mom?" That kinda shocked me.

"I mean I always think of something I want say back but never say it because mom always yells and she'll think it is talking back but I mean it is annoying because she always assumes stuff then yells at me for it." I looked at him and then continue. "Like I want to talk to her about stuff but then if I  say one wrong thing she will yell, do one wrong thing even if it is a mistake she'll yell. But when she is really drunk she will most likely slap me." Tommy looked at me with worried eyes, but that was the least of my concern.

"It's just plain stupid and I hate it." I said. Tommy just didn't know what to say. So I just flipped on my bed and fell asleep.

~Tommy's POV~~
After Y/n fell asleep on my bed while I just stared at her worried and wondering about how bad it was before she ran away and told me.

Word count: 813

An: have a good day or night depending where you are remember to drink water and eat food.

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