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It has been a week now and I am finally out of the hospital.

(A/n: Forgive me I don't know to much about hospitals)

"Omg it feels so good to be out of the damn hospital." I say giving out a long sigh.

"Yea maybe because you have been living in a fucking hella uncomfortable hospital bed for a whole damn week." Tommy gives me a smart ass remark.

"Ok jackass. It's not my fault that a fucking dumbass driver decided to speed up when it was my turn to go at the four way stop." I say sassing him back.

"You Dare speak back to ME!?" He gasped loudly.

"Noooooooo" I say.

"TUBBO DO SOMETHING WITH YOU GIRLFRIEND! SHE IS BACK TALKING ME!!" He yelled as me and Tubbo blushed. When I say blushed I mean like turned into a full on strawberry. 

"Tommy stop teasing the little couple." Wilbur says winking.

"Wilbur, Tommy, How would you feel about becoming tomorrow's breakfast?" I question sounding completely innocent. 

"A-a how bout we not do that?" Wilbur says in a questionable tone. I look at Wilbur, then Tommy, then back at Wilbur and start chasing Wilbur.

"Wilbur, I was part of track in middle school all the way through high school. You think you can out run me?"  I question not out of breath while Wilbur was panting like a dog.

"H-ho-how the f-fuck are you n-not out of br-eath-th?" He questions while the distant between us starts closing as he starts slowing down while still trying to out run me. Everyone was just watching us and laughing so hard some of them were even on the ground rolling. "You j-just-t got out-t of the f-fu-king hospital-l. H-how-w the f-fuck?" He still questioning.

"Wil you may be the dumbest fucking person I have ever met!" I say pouncing on him and pinning him down.

"HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU SO FUCKING STRONG!?" he yells still questioning me.

"Wil if you don't stop asking questions I will turn you into tomorrow's breakfast for real." I say threatening him more.

"H-heyy let's calm down there." He says.

"Then shut the fuck up and think about the stupid question you just asked."


"Omfg Wil." I say getting off of him.

"Ok okay my bad." He says getting up.

"Ok. But when is the next lore stream?" I ask as we start walking back.

"You want to start lore? Already?" He asked.

"Yes I have read my lines and I am excited." I state.

"Ok well how about we do it as soon as we get home? We have a bunch of set ups and all the rooms are sound proof so no one will get herd." He explains.


"Yep. So be ready. You gotta act good to make it believable." He states.

"I will. Trust me I did acting in highschool." I say.

"Jesus what haven't you done?" He asked surprised.

"Alot of things wil. But I have to many things to count..." I explain.

"God do I want to know?" He asks as we come up on the others.

"Not really..." I say trailing off.

"Hey guys what ya talking about?" Clay asks.

"Oh we are talking about what Y/n can't do and the next lore stream we plan." Wilbur answers.

"Oh. Wait why are you worrying about that?" He asked.

"Oh Y/n was excited so we plan a lore stream as soon as we get back." Wil replied.

"Ohhhh." Clay says.

"Yaa" I say.

"OI! YOU FUCKING BITCH HOW DARE YOU!" Tommy yells at me.

"Oh dear Tommy. What ever have I done wrong?" I ask sweetly.

"You know what you did." He says narrowing his eyes at me.

"Oh what ever have I done?" I ask.


"I have no memory of this event." I say hiding my laughter.

"Oh you bitch." He says and starts chasing after me.

Just in the nick of time I see my most powerful weapon sitting in the car.
I sprint to the car and threw open the door and grabbed it.

"FUCKING HOLY BIBLE BITCH. OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST WILL SAVE ME!" I yell at the top of my lungs and chuck the Bible at Tommy who is running at me.

I hit him right on his forehead making him snap his neck back and fall backwards.

Looking at the sight everyone burst out laughing. Some laughing so hard they have to hold their stomachs. Dream is just doing his iconic Weeze but harder? Idk but it is so fucking funny.

While everyone is laughing Tommy is just laying on the floor looking like a starfish.

"How the fuck did you get a damn Bible?" He mumbled. I heard him but acted like a didn't.

"What in the fucking fuck fuckedy fuck fuck duck did you say?" I question.

"What the fuck." He asked looking at me dead in the eyes.

"Well what did you day asshat?" I ask.

"What the fuck is an asshat?" He questioned.

"Tommy I swear the fucking God if you don't repeat what you said I will throw the damn Bible at you again." I say.

"Where the fuck did you get the Bible?" He asked.

"Oh I don't know I just saw it in the car." I answer.

"Ya but I'm hungry." Sapnap said. "Y/nnn can you make food when we get home?" He questions.

"Sapcrack. I just got out of the dan hospital and you want me to make food? Wow what a gentleman" I say.

"But Wilbur's food sucks" he says dragging out the s.


"Sheesh meanie." He says

"Aww did I hurt snapmap's feelings 🥺" I say in a baby voice.

"Yes you did." He says pouting.

"Fine. Anyways let's go home." I say.

Word count: 1013
A/n: have a good day or night depending where you are remember to drink water and eat food. Also follow my sister

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