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I woke up in the morning alone in Tommy's bed. I'm not to surprised but then Tommy can rushing into his room out of breath and a scared face.

"Y-y/n." Tommy said catching his breath which made me worry a bit. Then he said something I wish I never heard.

"Y/n, your parents are here."

"W-what." I said as all the colors washed out of my face. I quickly rushed to get ready to look presentable.

The Fit

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The Fit

As I rush back to Tommy's room I begin to panic but manage to calm myself down.

"Tommy, where are they?" I asked Tommy who was sitting in his chair.

"Downstairs in the living room. Would you like me to come with you?" He asked me to which I nodded.

As we made our way downstairs I saw my parents talking to Tommy's in the living room.

" H-hello" I said with a small but noticable stutter.

"Oh dear thank God you are ok." My mother said while getting up. Of course she had to act in front of the Simons.

Mother got up to high me to which a flinch really hard and yelled loud enough where everyone in the room could here me. "GET AWAY FROM ME." and I started to shake really bad but my mom still pulled me into a threatening hug and whispered something on my ear.

"You listen to me when we get home you will get punished so hard you will never be able to see the light of day again." At those words I became Paul.

"I'll go pack now." I said and walked upstairs.

After I packed everything I left a note for Tommy before I left.

Dear Tommy,
I trust you will keep this a secret about what my parents will do to me. I will most likely not be able to answer my phone, I will most likely be starved, raped, abused, and out of contact. Please take care of yourself.

-from Y/n

I took the note and folded it then wrote Tommy on the front and put it on his desk.

As I walk back downstairs I mentally prepared myself for what will happen at 'home'.

I saw Tommy standing on a doorframe so I went up and hugged him and whispered something in his ear.

"I left something on your desk to read don't go up now cause it will look suspicious." And he just replied with a nod.

"Ready to go kiddo." My 'father' asked. As I replied with a nod. As my parents got up of the couch and went out the door with me following. I turn around one last time seeing Tommy's parents talking to each other about something and Tommy looking with a sad, worried, and scared face. I just gave him a reassuring smile and left.

~~Tommy's POV~~
As I watch Y/n leave I couldn't help but be worried.

After she was gone I went up to my room to see Y/n has left a note on my desk so I opened it and read it.

Dear Tommy,
I trust you will keep this a secret about what my parents will do to me. I will most likely not be able to answer my phone, I will most likely be starved, raped, abused, and out of contact. Please take care of yourself.

-from Y/n

After I read it I couldn't help but tear up. She said she would be starved, raped, abused, and out of contact. How can I keep myself calm after she won't be able to tell me what is happening to her when she gets back to her house.

I didn't leave my room for the rest of the night. I was over thinking everything. I wanted to know what will happen to Y/n. I couldn't help be be worried.

~~Y/n's POV~~
The drive to the hell whole was long selient uncomfortable.

Once we finally reached the house my father got out and grabbed my arm and dragged me up to my room.

As soon as we got to my room it began. My father got undress and chained me to my bed frame.

~~Time skip to after IT happened~~
I was now crying on the ground still chained up to my bed frame and my mom came in and kneed me right in my nose almost breaking it. I just cried harder as she liked and slapped me.

~~Time skip to after~~
I sat there super weak almost past out. Numb to the pain now. And with that I passed out listening to my phone blowing off the hook with notifications.

I wonder if Tommy saw the note. Hopefully he is not to worried...

I hope he is ok.

Word count: 802

A/n: have a good day or night depending where you are remember to drink water and eat food.

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