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Finally out of University. Irene couldn't contain her joy as the thought of finally graduating kept coming to her mind. 'what if I had died on that day'. 'what if I didn't meet Vivian'. 'what if I had given up'. She had a lot of "what if" going on in her mind.

She looked at the brother who was walking up to her happily then she made up her mind never to involve herself in any dirty deal just to make money again, now that she has a certificate then she's going to do all it takes to be a better person with the help of her little savings.


Irene heard someone opening the door loudly then she knew it was not Mayowa because he's more of a gentleman. Two big men entered looking very dangerous. As she was about to open her mouth, she felt something painful before everything became so dark.

"Why's everywhere so wet and cold". Irene brain couldn't finish processing that before she was poured another bucket of water.

"Oh my God". She opened her eyes hastily. That was she realized that she has been tied up on a chair dripping wet.

"Who do you think you are that a man will still be liking you in your absence". The boss said.

"A man, in my absence?" Irene said trying to put it all together.

"I'm talking about Frank, dumb". He shouted.

"I know Frank is my fiance but.....". She was cut short by a resounding slap. They all burst into laughter.

"She's still calling him Fiance can you imagine. He will never be your husband, and he was your fiance and he will never be your fiance again, get that into your thick skull". He said.

She nodded as tears rolled down her face.

"For your punishment, you are going to stay here for the next two weeks tied to a chair, no bathing, just food and water to drink". The boss said then he moved out.

Tears rolled down continuously on Irene's face.


Frank looked up immediately the door to his office opened.

"Hi". He greeted Ifeoma weakly.

"Hi, how are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm great". He replied. "You came for?"

"Aanu reported you to me, she said you treated her unfair yesterday. You must really love Irene a lot". Ifeoma said staring intensely at him.

"Of course I do but where the fuck is she, I'm hurting for Christ sake, I need her". He releases his breath after saying all.

"Wait, are you okay?" Ifeoma asked

She moved closer to him, placing her hand on his head.

"Oh my God, you are burning up. I need to get you to a hospital". Ifeoma said.

"I don't need to go to the hospital, I just need to see Irene". Frank said refusing to stand on his feet.

"Will you forget about Irene for now and get up on your fucking feet". Ifeoma dragged him up annoyingly. "Now let's get you to a hospital".

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