Tweenty Four

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The day came when he was supposed to pick me up. I texted him and told him that I wasn't going with him. He got mad and insulted me. I called my mom crying, with my friend beside me trying to make me relax. My mom's words were simple, but it was what I needed to hear.

"On my way." she simply said.

My father then treated me he will call the police and that I will not leave. I was scared and my mom was at a 3-hour drive. I cried and cried, and laugh at the same time.

We told my friend's mother what was happening. She called my father, scolding him. Then I heard them speak.

"It was just to scare her"

I started laughing, like those villains in the movie. I was done with him.

I pass the next hours running around the house with my friend, goofing around like four year old. I think she knew I needed to disconnect from the situation. I think she saw threw me.

4 hours later my mom arrived with my cousin (One of my two friends that I consider as my family) - they lost themselves on the way.

I was finally returning home.

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