🖤Boboiboy x Villain Reader

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Requested by: @Flowerlilui

Warning: Slight angst, evil reader.

•He knew.

•Boboiboy is aware that you were a villain but he couldn't do it.

•He doesn't have the gut to tell anyone.

•He loves you so much that it was hard for him to turn you in.

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"Another one of tapops member went missing..." Gasps could be heard inside the room as the tapops member began to ask questions to the admiral.

"A-Another one!?" Yaya had to cover her mouth out of fear, this has been happening for almost two months now yet they still couldn't find the culprit.

"But tapops has been upgraded and well secured! How could this happen?!" Fang argued, looking incredulously at his friends.

"May i ask?" [Name] raised a hand, looking at the admiral with fear and nervousness. "Who was the member?...."

Admiral Tarung looked hesitated to answer your question as a pained look crossed his face. "Our strongest member... Captain Kaizo.."

Upon hearing Captain Kaizo's name made everyone gasp once more as Fang drop to his knees, his brother.

The only family he had left was gone.

"M-My... Brother?..."

"This must be a mistake! First Commander Koko Ci and now Captain Kaizo!? He's one of the strongest member in tapops! W-With his skills and every-"

Admiral Tarung quickly cutted Ying's sentence off to explain his perspective. "And he went missing.. We don't know where his body lies but we know for sure that this new enemy of ours is strong... Stronger than Kaizo"

"I-I wanna go home!! What if that enemy will come after us and kill us all!?" Gopal panicked, his legs were shaking out of fear while he tried his best to comfort the distressed shadow manipulator.

Who was still on the ground, staring at nothing out of shock.

"W-What will we do Boboiboy?" Yaya stuttered, looking at they're leader who was just quiet the whole conversation.

"I-.... I don't know..." Boboiboy answered, he was also distressed at the fact that Captain Kaizo had been defeated, his brown eyes slowly looked at the girl he loves.

No one can see it but he can, the satisfaction and evilness glint in your eyes gave it all away. Like you were finding they're fear satisfying.

Boboiboy wanted to tell the others about your evilness, after all you had killed Captain Kaizo for sure yet he can't. Part of him still hoped that maybe one day he could change you back to you heroic and bubbly self.

Oh, how delusional he is- thinking that maybe he could save you from evilness.

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