The Slaughter

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"Oh and who are you?" Velzard asks while looking at a tree.

"I'm impressed you noticed me, but no need to know who I am as you will soon say goodbye" The mysterious person says while lunging at Velzard while shizu is just standing there shocked even though to both of then she was slow shizu is impressed by how powerfull she has gotten

"Hinata!?" Shizu finally says shocked

"Don't worry Shizu-sensei I will save you" Hinata Says while swinging her sword behind her after Velzard moved to the side too fast for her to see, Velzard however blocks the sword with just 1 finger and then throws it away with 2

"You're strong.. I will have to use this then" Hinata says while sheathing her sword and putting her hands out in front of her and summoning 5 spirits who she ordered to attack Velzard but they disobeyed and instead tried to hide

"What.." Hinata mutters confused but shakes it off and instead brings out cards and uses a skill [astral bind] which cover Velzard who stands there and doesn't move deciding to take the attack head on

"You think you can take this? [Disintegration]!" Hinata shouts while many magic circles form and a beam comes from the sky for 12 seconds before dissipating and a Velzard just standing there

"You ruined my damn clothes! Why is it every student of Shizu's ruin my clothes!" Velzard complains and covers her clothes with water to wash them

"How..." Hinata falls to the ground as that was her strongest attack "I can't even save my teacher" Hinata mutters

"Hinata, you said you will save me but I have already been saved by Lady Rimuru over there" Shizu says trying to comfort Hinata in her loss

"You are not being manipulated by her?" Hinata asks

"Of course not! She would never do such a thing!" Shizu says in a playfully angry tone

"Hinata" Velzard calls while walking over

"I am sorry... I had received information saying that you manipulated Shizu-sensei" Hinata says while bowing down

"Ah no problem, anyway for now we will say you killed me but Shizu still didn't go back for now" Velzard says while uncovering herself from the water

"Why would you want people to think you died?" Shizu asks curiously

"Some fun things will happen" Velzard replies while having a smirk on her face

"I should warn you that your country is under attack" Hinata says while standing up

"Oh I feel sorry for them" Velzard says while having no hint of worry

"Shouldn't you worry for your subordinates safety?" Hinata asks while starting to think that maybe she manipulated Shizu's mind to say those things

"Oh my subordinates are plenty strong enough to handle a few humans" Velzard says and calls Ranga out

"T-this wolf... its strong" Hinata says sensing the threat it poses despite on the outside it looking like a normal monster

"He is not even one of the strongest and you can sense at least some of his strength can you not?" Velzard says trying to intimidate Hinata so she doesn't think of trying to oppose her

"Oh she fainted" Velzard continues

"Master this barrier is made to suck magicules out from it... it could kill a Weaker monster" Ranga warns Velzard who snaps her fingers and it disappeared

"As expected of lady Velzard" shizu compliments Velzard knowing no one can hear them

"Well let's carry on back, I'll change her memories to one where she defeated me" Velzard says while tapping Hinata's head and walks back to Tempest with Shizu

Back In Time, But As Velzard? (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now