A Possible Threat?

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"Great, then let's start the game" Velzard says while walking towards the door

"Where are we going to play it?" Asks Gale while the rest and shizu walk behind her

"Outside in the garden" she awnsers
While opening the door to the garden

"Now then, if you can beat me in 10 minutes you will have the freedom to do anything you want but if I beat you, you must call me sensei and address me with respect" Velzard says while walking into the middle

"HA! Easy no one but shizu-sensei has ever beaten me!" Kenya says with confidence

"Save that for if you beat me" Velzard replies with a smile

"Do I get a weapon?" Kenya asks still confident

"One of these 3" Velzard says pointing towards a table with a mace, sword and a bow

"I choose the sword" Kenya says picking it up and getting into a position with many holes in it

"Shizu if you please" Velzard says handing her a sand timer spanning 10 minutes

"Okay" shizu says and moves away

"begin!" After waiting for Velzard to move into the battlefield shizu says begin and tips the sand timer upside down

Kenya is the first to move slashing downwards eith his sword letting out a weak flame however to human standards that is considered powerfull due to being a summon he has magicules in his body which when summoned doing the telportsrion process magicules we infused into the targets soul and for younger people it will eventually kill them with the longest lasting 5 years as a summon but older people are not as effected and often become champions but Kenya is still not as strong as a champion so his flames are not even a lighter for Velzard who easily dodges it even if she didn't need to and keeps dodging fir the 10 minutes

Now it's ryota's turn who activates his unique skill berserker who then changes from his usual attitude to one with a look for blood and pounces at Velzard who dodges to the side and he smashes into a wall knocking him out

Next is Gale who sends a fire ball at Velzard who uses gluttony and "eats" it however that fire ball was infuses with All if gales magicules so he falls to the ground exhausted

Next is Alice who uses a skill to control 3 small plushes and attack her Velzard considered burning them but decided against it as it would make Alice cry so just left it for 10 minutes and they didn't make even a scratch with makes sense as her skin while looking soft is made from the strongest dragons scales

Lastly is chloe aubert who raises the book she reads and chanted a water spell which sealed Velzard within and blades where formed from them which could easily cut A ranked monsters hide however with Velzards overwhelming scales strength along with magic manipulation it has no effect but chloe also uses all of her msgicules ad falls to the ground threatening to tear up so Velzard comes over to hug her which makes chloe happy which also confuses her as they have never met before

"Now then, you must call me Rimuru-sensei and respect me!" Velzard says while coating herself in water

"Uhm Rimuru-sensei why are you drowning yourself?" Gale asks concerned

"You all made my clothes dirty so I have to clean them" Velzard says while covering her face completely

2 months later

In these 2 months they have come to respect Velzard and see her the same way as with shizu, chloe especially likes spending time with Velzard as of right now they're on top of a hill looking over engrassia kingdom when Velzard senses a dragon in the clouds

Back In Time, But As Velzard? (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now